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Topic: Liam learns the ways of the web Read 17734 times  

I carnt get the F****** imaged i made for kolya on paint. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liam, please register, so you can edit your posts. And then I want to see no more double posts. Thanks.
« Last Edit: 01. May 2008, 15:11:12 by Kolya »
I dont have an emil adrees. And i dont no how make one. My mm sead that she will make one for me this week. But has not. You dont now how much i whunt to becoume a meber on this website.
Just sign up here for an email account: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount?service=mail
It's really not hard, just be careful about typos.

66657a88e5102Nameless Voice

Also, if you're using Firefox, you should be getting red squiggly underlines under any words that you've misspelt.  Try to make sure not to have any of those in your posts.
You can get Firefox here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
Or if you can't install it because you're not logged into Windows as administrator use Firefox Portable instead: http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable

Since this is getting somewhat off-topic I cut off this conversation and move it to the Free Discussion forum.

And whats a doubel-post.

When a person posts two times in a row it's called a "double post". Double posts are unnecessary when you can simply edit your last post. You need to be registered for that.
Which brings us to the question why you haven't gotten yourself an email address yet, and registered here. We've certainly done everything to make it as easy as possible for you.

I've realised by now that you are quite young. And frankly I don't think this is the right forum for you. I don't want to ban you again though. But please understand that your posts are often incomprehensible and even if one can figure out what you were trying to say, it usually just goes to show that you didn't even bother to read the thread before answering.
This behaviour is not acceptable. It disturbs the productivity of this forum and annoys people.

You need to learn a few things before you can post on the boards again. For your own sake and for our sanity.
So here's a new rule. Listen up, it's important: If you have something to say, post it here. In this thread. Any post outside of this thread will get you banned for at least a day, Liam.

I hope we can figure out an email address for you and I will answer your questions here. Okay?
« Last Edit: 03. May 2008, 17:04:04 by Kolya »
Pleas dont ban me for the psor ive done i just read this.
Ive forgot where to go to sign up on this web. Ive got an emil now. I was afrade you whuld ban me if i told you i was 11.

66657a88e5bddLiam 111

Is my emil corect becuse i did make an emil.
We don't have an age restriction here, so I certainly will not ban you for your age. Still you should realise that these forums are mostly populated by people who are around 16 - 30 years old.

Now the first thing I wanted to tell you is related to that: Please understand that we are all real humans here. For example I am Kolya, I'm thirty years old and I live in Germany. I study media science at a nearby university. This is how I look.

I'm telling you this because when posting on forums or chatting it's quite easy to think that everyone but you is just "some idiot" on the net. If you think like that you will act accordingly. And then other people who are in the same situation like you will see you in the same way: As some idiot on the net. So if you want to be taken seriously you have to act respectful on the net, just like in real life. You probably wouldn't go into a room full of adults and yell the F-word at everyone a few times.

When you post on these forums, it's like you're in a room with us. And we will read what you write. Being respectful, even being cool here means that you gather as much information about the subject as you can, before you answer. That means that you at least read the whole thread you are answering to. Not just the first or last post. You might also want to use the forum search function to see if the same thing has been discussed before.

Being respectful and cool also means that you do the best you can to make your post as easily understandable as possible. Correct grammar is a minimum to make your post understandable. Just ask yourself why anyone should bother to take the time and read your post when you did not even take the time to spell words correctly.
Your new Firefox browser can be a great help with that. As Nameless Voice said above, you should be getting red squiggly underlines under any words that you've spelled wrong. Make sure everything is spelled correctly before you hit the Submit-button.

Now for your registration: An email was sent to the email address you have given. You need to read that email and click the activation link it contains before you become a registered member of SBF. So check your mail, click that link and then you will be led back here. Log in with the name and password you have given in the registration form.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Otherwise I expect your next answer here to come from your newly registered account.

66657a88e60bdLiam 111

Do i go on googel mail web thing to see the email you sent me becuse i if i do i carnt find it. :( And why carnt i use the name Liam no more.

66657a88e61e8Liam 111

And if you mean click on the riwting where it says activation email no thats dosnot work. :(

66657a88e62faLiam 111

Kolya please can you tell me how to make weapon models becuse there are weapon models. The resen why im asking this is becuase there are weapon models i like on this web and i whunt to remake then and triey to make them better. :)
Holy crap, a triple post?! I thought they were only a legend...

I want to apologize for my comments in my player model mod thread. I know what it's like to be a young kid on the internet. I get criticized a lot for my age, but it appears to some people that I am smarter than most 13-year-olds. My advice? Don't argue with anyone, don't make multiple posts in a row, use the edit button, and try to improve your grammar and spelling.

Good luck.

P.S.: I'm glad to see a younger audience playing System Shock 2 for once, even though it may not be the most family friendly game.
« Last Edit: 05. May 2008, 02:16:43 by leaf »
Liam, you can't use "Liam" as a guest anymore because there is now a member on SBF with that name: you. (You would not want other guests to post with your name, right?)
But your account is not yet activated, so you can't login at the moment. As you already guessed you need to go to your google email account, login there, find the mail from strangebedfellows in your Inbox and read it. There you will find the activation link.
If there is no such mail in your Inbox, check the Spam-folder. If you cannot find it there either, you can resend the activation mail. See the top left of this forum.

Making a weapon model is not easy, to say the least. I couldn't do it. You need to model it in a 3D program, eg in "3DSMax". So you need to learn the 3D program first. Then you have to convert the model for SS2, which is a hard task of it's own.

Leaf, at the moment Liam can't edit his posts since he's still a guest. We're working on that.

Liam, a little clarification on terms: There is only one "web" and that's the WWW (world wide web). Strangebedfellows is a "website" (or "site" for short). It is composed of "pages" which is what you see at any given moment while surfing this site. Since Strangebedfellows is a forum, most of the pages are "threads". This derives from "a thread of conversation". Threads themselves are composed of "postings" (or "posts" for short) which are the single statements that make up the conversation.
So we have from biggest to smallest unit: WWW -> Sites -> Pages (mostly threads in a forum) -> Posts
« Last Edit: 05. May 2008, 07:53:20 by Kolya »

66657a88e6771Liam 111

I still dont quit under stande how i whuld make new muiltyplayer models, make weapon models or new models in the game like bodys. I fort i have to use shock ed but i dont how to make it work. Pleaes can someone help me. Leaf your apolgiy is acsepted. But i whuld like to make a new muiltplayer model for over pepole. And im not quit sore how to edit a post. I dont relley now much opn edit a post. By the way i sore Delxcory in System Shock 2 saying strange bed fellows in a log at the end of it.

66657a88e6870Liam 111

I just tried singing in to my google mail acount and it whunt let me :(. Shuld i make a new one.

66657a88e6974Liam 111

im downloading 3DS Max now it shuld be done in 4 houes thats what its saying. I will see if i can get a torrent of it and dont say i did a double post be cuse i just download it before that post i did at 12:43:12.
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