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Topic: SS2 No weapon degradation Read 95252 times  

Tags: °user.cfg °SS2

Add the line below into the file user.cfg which can be found or created in your SS2 game-dir, to keep your guns from degrading.

Code: [Select]
gun_degrade_rate 0
« Last Edit: 11. May 2018, 13:26:49 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: daniel
Re: SS2 NoGunDegrading
Does this mod post to stop your gun from breaking with out useing a maintenance tool. And dont tell me yo see the thread beacuse i dont no where to find it.


I never quite understood why people made such a big deal about the degradation.  It'd be one thing if it went down whole numbers with every single bullet (like if you fired one shot, it would go down) but that's not the case.  I feel that it adds to the tension of the game, even if it's not 100% realistic.

I mean, when you think about it, getting rid of the degradation renders the maintenance skill almost completely useless. 


to be honest, when I have started to play SS2, I didn't like the degradation either, but have grown to accept it as a part of SS2 over time (too bad that log that explains it has never made it to the game), and today I would never use a mod or cfg tweak that tones it down..


In all honesty, I think it's nowhere near as annoying as Fallout 3's....
The missing log is an admitted error by the game developers. We should make that log and integrate it into ADaoB.
Maybe someone wants to research as much as possible about what it was supposed to say. Something about the Many deteriorating weapons by means of some gas IIRC then think up a character who might make that observation and where he is. Oh wait, this has already been done by Rob Fermier.

Personally I would have preferred an entropy accelerating psi field that's generated by the Many. It would fit the anti-entropy psi skill we have. But this is as official as it gets, so there you go. Now we need someone to read that with much expression and a good microphone.


I realize I'm no Stephen Russell, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway.
Emon, you sexy man! What a voice! :D
But what about the rest of the log?


Lol, again, thanks. :)

Yeah...I wasn't exactly sure what to do about that whole dying thing, so I left it off. If you really want, I can record that and paste the two together, but someone with more audio skills than me will have to throw in some hybrid sounds and flesh ripping and all that.

And I might have to wait until tomorrow, when I can scream without anyone else in the house..... :paranoid:


Pretty neat voice acting.  I feel like I've heard you before.  Did you do any of the logs for any of the fan missions?


Thanks. :)

Good ear. I did a couple logs for RttUNN. :)


Ah, now I remember.  One of the logs you did was a guy complaining about how the UNN seem to break everything for people (like himself as a technician) to fix. 

Pretty neat X3


Possibly...I know I did two, but it's been a long time since I recorded those that I honestly can't remember what they said. But again, thanks.

On-topic: I'm going to try to record some gruesome deaths later this morning and see what I can come up with.

666d9455c0e2fNameless Voice

I thought the "aahh my spleen" thing was more an attempt at humour than something that was actually intended to go in the logs.  I'd say leave it ending at "I'm getting fired, aren't I?".
Of course it's humorous. That's why it should be in. And make it real.


666d9455c10b0Nameless Voice

Random bits of humour don't fit in with the atmosphere of the game.  A serious log would work and be a valid addition to ADaOB, a humorous one wouldn't.

Also, Enchantermon's log sounds very good, but I'm not sure if it isn't maybe a little too ...  unemotional?  Mmm now listening to it again, I'm not sure.  Really good sound recording quality, either way.

Strangely enough, his voice reminds me a bit of John D (who did voice acting for The Haunting, and some of Christine's FMs), though with less of that "having a cold" sound to it.  Same accent, maybe?


I agree with NV; I don't think the spleen line wasn't supposed to really be spoken, and it doesn't fit the atmosphere. Besides, if a hybrid ripped a guy's spleen out, the last thing he's going to be screaming is "Hey! Give that back!" :P
Strangely enough, his voice reminds me a bit of John D (who did voice acting for The Haunting, and some of Christine's FMs), though with less of that "having a cold" sound to it.  Same accent, maybe?
You talking about this guy? There is a little bit of a similarity in the pitch. Definitely not the same accent though; he's got a southern drawl to his voice that I don't have.

EDIT: Okay, so I made another recording and attached it; maybe this one will be a little better. It still doesn't have the screaming and all though; I tried several takes of that and they all sounded pretty horrible. :P
« Last Edit: 24. March 2011, 13:51:54 by Enchantermon »
Okay, I understand why you don't want the joke in, but it gave the story a conclusion. Maybe we can think of a less humorous way to hint at what happened to him then?
If we could identify "subsection 22-A" (engineering?) we could place it near a corpse there, but I have a feeling that subsection is made up.


Perhaps we could think up something...putting the log on any corpse would be fine though; it doesn't necessarily have to be in the place it mentions (which is probably made up, yes). But I would suggest the guy be in Engineering, rather than on the Rickenbacker as the log text suggests. Maybe we could have a Protocol Droid walk up to him and explode in his face at the end of the log.

"I think this is just what you were looking for!"
"What? I'm not looking for any--"

Yeah I like that idea with the droid. Could be made shorter though, protocol droids wouldn't usually roam on engineering deck.

"Who chose these colours? I don't like that one bit!"
"Wait a moment. What is that protocol droid doing here?"
*explosion sound*


Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.

It's a shame the Irrational guys aren't interested in providing this log. They already have a recording studio, and some of the same people still on staff who voiced the original logs. It would probably take them 15 minutes to just sit down and record a new log.
Sounds like you asked them?
Also I wouldn't be so sure that they can come up with the same filters they used back then in 15 minutes.
Give them 20.

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