SS2 Straylight ADaOB v0.3.0

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Report (likely that not all apply to Adaob/SCP):

-Med/Sci 2 (Sci) has a art terminal lying on the floor in a room but 1/4 of it is inside the wall.
-Annelid grub (the leftovers of an egg sometimes) research report is missing the word "get".
-I'm getting a lot of z-fighting all over the place.
-Maybe Rebirth exclusive: Hydro C (I think), the area with all the Hydroponics-grown plants. There is a dead body on top of a bin and his leg is going through the bin.
-Collision needs altering for the computer consoles that you can mantle inside (surely not an easy fix otherwise it would be sorted by now).
-Suggestion: Make some security stations/more replicators in need of repair to give more weight to the skill (though it will increase challenge).
-Suggestion: Raise the shotgun's standard requirement to 3.
-Suggestion: iirc # of Epstein devices was lowered, then restored in a recent version. I think there should only be 1 or 2 as modify loses it's worth at lvl 3 or so in combination with the Epstein's. Either that or introduce a third weapon upgrade level for each gun (And reduce effectiveness of lvl 1 & 2 if need be for balance, including the damage bonus).
I also think there should only be 1 or two AutoRepairKit's and ICE's each.
-AI issues: Red cyborg ass., Ops first area. He did his run n go hide in the room event but I shot him before he made it to the room. He then proceeded to run backwards and forwards & not attacking. A few other AI's have been unresponsive, just standing there whilst I shoot them. 2-3 encounters up till Rec deck so far.

I have never seen the z-fighting or AI issues on previous playthroughs. I'm playing the steam version so it's probably that or an error on my end with the install.

Speaking of, I ended up with Vurt's Hi-Res space skybox on earth.mis, what is the solution? (I DL'd the ADaob compatible Earth texture).
do you mean you have vurt's space on Earth?

as for the rest, most of that should be fixed in SCP.
Sorry not earth, the UNN space station. Still earth.mis if I am not mistaken but I didn't specify which skybox.

Another report: Fix the player spawning for each Training year. You spawn higher than the ground and move forward a touch. Very immersion killing. I'm sure you guys already have but just in case.
Gosh dang it, EVERY time I get an email notification about a new reply in this topic I get my hopes up that it is a post informing about the release of SCP. One day it will happen, I hope :)

Quote by Join usss!:
Sorry not earth, the UNN space station. Still earth.mis if I am not mistaken but I didn't specify which skybox.

Nope, station.mis.
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