SS2 Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines

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I could be wrong here but...
Quest.Get("Difficulty") returns 5 in multiplayer, which does not seem to be handled in your script? (looking at switch statements)
If the mod does not support multiplayer it might be a good idea to state it somewhere, as it otherwise appears to work.
Ah yeah, I should include a warning about that. Multiplayer will definitely break a few things unavoidably, particularly relating to the user interface and modification system, but also a lot of general scripts that just check for "Player" properties in generic terms. I've only been asked about it one other time so I really forget that multiplayer is even on the table.
Quick hotfix for some issues in the 2.00 release, plus some redistribution of cyber modules.

#### 2.01 ####
-Fixed edge case where weapons could not be level 2 modified with French-Epstein device when clicking level 1 mods first
-Fixed Stasis Field Generator duration +40% mod not working as intended
-Fixed ExperTech bonus in Hack/Repair/Modify minigame reading as +3%% instead of +10%
-Fixed issue where new Engineering power cell receptacles would not always work properly
-Increased Marine Year 2 Port MacArthur Shotgun condition from 15% to 25%
-Added 5 cyber modules to Med/Sci
-Removed 7 cyber modules from Hydroponics (SCP added)
-Removed 5 cyber modules from Ops

Quote by RoSoDude:
-Removed 7 cyber modules from Hydroponics (SCP added)
Technically ADaOB.
Acknowledged by 2 members: RoSoDude, Deu sex
@voodoo47 2.01 file is getting flagged as a trojan by Windows Defender. Several confirmed so far. I'm extremely doubtful my 230KB is dangerous, so do you have any ideas on how to circumvent this false positive on my side?

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