System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition Update & Community Participation

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Hello everyone, this is Stephen from Nightdive with a bit of an update.

We are currently nearing the end of reverse engineering Shock 2 and wanted to reach out to the various authors and content creators that have worked diligently for so many years on some of our favorite mods to see if there was interest in including your work with the official release.

So far we will be including:

Vurt's Space Textures, Flora, Hi-res Water, Organics/Goo
ACC's Four Hundred (400) Hi-res Terrain Textures
Eldron's Psi Amp
Olfred's Fixed Objects
Grosnus' Hi-Res Spinning Marine/Navy/OSA logos
ZylonBane's New Quest Notifier
Vaxquis Vintage Song Remake v1.0 Mod
Mercurius' Tacticool Weapon Replacements

11/03 Update:
Eldron has joined the team to create new enemy models and finish any remaining weapons.

We're looking to include both SHTUP and SCP and are in the process of getting permission from the contributors. Here is the current progress...

ZylonBane - Permission Granted
IceNine - No Contact Info
Black Boe - No Contact Info
Eldron - Permission Granted
Eshaktaar - Permission Granted
Hires - No Contact Info
Rattkin - Email Bounce Back
Darksharp - No Contact Info
SNAFU - Email Sent
Garcie - No Contact Info
Ichu - No Contact Info
Nameless Voice  - Permission Granted
Pride Assassin - No Contact Info
Thunderpeel - Email Bounce Back
Shadowspawn  - Permission Granted
Telliamed  - Permission Granted

ZylonBane  - Permission Granted
Nameless Voice - Permission Granted
Olfred - Permission Granted
unn_atropos - Permission Granted
voodoo47 - Permission Granted

Other mods we'd like to include are:

Fan Translations

Ultimately our goal is to have the visual mods selectable in the options menu with the ability to play the vanilla game if so desired. With all this said we need to get permission from everyone involved to include it, and in the advent of not being able to reach someone or if someone doesn't want to include their work we need to know what it is so that we can replace it. I've started sending PM's to those listed above, but if you have not heard from me yet, please feel free to reach out.

We've already hired a few members of the community and we're always looking for other talented individuals to join our team and contribute to the Shock franchise, so again, please don't hesitate to reach out if you think you'd be a good addition to our team!

Anyone who grants Nightdive permission to use their work will be credited in the game and given keys to the Remake and SS2:EE as a thank you. We will also be giving beta access to those who want to try it out and provide feedback.

When the project is complete we will release the source code on our github

What am I missing? Is there a mod that I haven't included that should be? Is there a feature or something you'd like to see in the release? Please let us know!

We've created a new section in our public discord server for SS2:EE discussion. If you are one of the mod contributors feel free to message me or our community manager for a special user role.

Acknowledged by: hemebond
Olfred's fixed objects. while technically not an enhancement mod, it fixes a lot of object issues (flickering, z-fighting, missing polygons, texture warping etc), and certainly is one of the top recommended mods.

would be great to get SCP going, it really brings all the enhancement mods together.

also, a suggestion - maybe consider hiring an artist to produce proper, true to vanilla higher res AI models. that is the only thing we don't have available here - Rebirth, while popular, has its issues, and may not be the best choice for an officially distributed AI model enhancement mod. just giving the vanilla models more polygons and cleaning up the textures a bit (and getting rid of mirroring) would do wonders - this guy had a pretty good idea, too bad he disappeared without a trace at one point..
Acknowledged by 3 members: icemann, 3RDplayer, WalterREQUiEM
Rebirth while good certainly is not one I ever use. Some of the model replacements I don't like. Vanilla ftw.
Acknowledged by 4 members: Grosnus, hemebond, RoSoDude, WalterREQUiEM
I'm going to explore having some of the enemy character models remade to be more faithful to the original. Thanks for the feedback.
Acknowledged by 4 members: voodoo47, icemann, hemebond, WalterREQUiEM
Best of luck to you guys. Anything that = more people playing SS2 I'm happy about.

Funny thing, back when I first joined TTLG (round the year 2000) up till about 5 years ago, I heard FAR more about Thief than System Shock. Now I almost never hear Thief mentioned at all, but hear about System Shock often.

Big question is - Will SS2R come with a new level editor, or will Dromed still be the order of the way to go. As it's made to work with existing mods, I'd assume that Dromed would still be THE editor for it.
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