🔒 New resource request - Rickenbacker maps (completed)

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@Grosnus, we've integrated this into SCP, and it seems to be working well so far. Just one graphical tweak needed to the rick3 map background image.

The curvy outline on some maps is supposed to represent the exterior hull of the ship. Since this map is of the bridge at the top of the Rickenbacker, this outline doesn't make sense.
Originally I was taking hints from geometry of the level itself - mainly relation between bridge windows and the escape pod, but the long tunnel that goes into The Many would stretch the hull too far beyond bridge, so I made that "bump" as small as possible. Still, didn't really work for me, so I don't mind changing it.

I noticed something weird about original map though. It shows Deck C as the very top part of ship:

but you can see in the cutscenes that it's actually more like a thin wing on both sides of the ship, TIE Fighter style. There is simply no room there for bridge of any shape.

Personally, looking at the cutscenes I'd say the bridge is closer to the front of the Rickenbacker.

Anyway, here's another design, this would also take into account windows in Diego's quarter:

Acknowledged by: Bratmanntoffel
Thanks, that works for me.

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