🔒 New resource request - Rickenbacker maps (completed)

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What about a sideview map?
1. Not technically possible (the player position marker is hardwired for X/Y coordinates)
2. Would be pretty much useless even if it could be done
Im pretty convinced that a map for Rickenbacker would actually make the player more confused than benefit for anything. As ZB is saying all the layers is the cause of this
we don't know unless we try. and it's not like we are getting spammed by tons of user made Rick maps anytime soon.

Quote by Da9L:
Im pretty convinced that a map for Rickenbacker would actually make the player more confused than benefit for anything. As ZB is saying all the layers is the cause of this
Uh, no. What I'm saying is that rick1 has so many layers, and each layer is so large, that it's physically impossible to fit them on the map screen at a useful size. It's a really, really, big map. Probably the biggest in the game. When you view it in DromEd it looks like a freaking Borg cube.

Even if there was a way to fit everything in at a useful size, it would then require manually setting the map IDs on hundreds of room brushes. A huge amount of effort for barely any benefit to the player since most of rick1 is linear.

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