SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN

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so I was really bored at work today, and as I stopped caring about getting fired because of using Shocked about two million years ago, I've decided to dml fix the worst RttUNN issues. this is not meant to be a complete overhaul, just fixing the really bad stuff.
- set the spawned AIs to NOT home at the player on all maps. should finally and definitely get spawning under control. also set to raycast (prevents spawning when player is looking at the spawn point)
- some elevator buttons change colors crazily (bad modelsstate settings on concrete objects). //fixed
- 8 ft tech panel (-2030) has z issues with its decals //fixed by giving it just a tiny bit of transparency via the gamesys dml
- recd01u z issues, object based on a broken orig model //hexedited a different orig model to fix the problem
- cbdooru z issues, object based on a broken orig model //hexedited a different model to fix the problem
- included SS2tool gamesys fixes (resolves some orig issues, makes the explosions look better by using additive blending).
- included the latest NVscript (required by the gamesys fixes).

- audiolog 846 set up improperly, tries to play email 13 instead of log 13. //fixed
- audiolog 835 uses audio from the orig game. //added a selfmade audio clip, voice provided by Fenphoenix (check youtube)
- exotic weapons are not available in the upg units, so you can't actually use the shard or proliferator even if researched. //exotic now available once the player gets out of the elevator on gallo3
- typo in the spawn setup (protocol droids were supposed to spawn randomly, but the value specified was ProtocAl Droid, thus no droids were spawned, ever). //fixed

- log 572 has no audio and uses text from the orig game. //set to only render in editor
- log 1461 is from the orig game. //set to only render in editor
- railings 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268 made non-mantleable so the player would not be able to fall over and get stuck in the nearby pit.

- a living AI (1442) uses corpse model. not looking too good with Rebirth installed. //using a living model now

- goo 118, 117 backwards. //flipped

- floor arrows 1409, 1408, 1407 need to be floored, badly. //done

//edit: full download attached to the first post.
Neat. I ronly remember the crazy spawning and some crashing before the last cutscene.
there is a lot more stuff that could be improved (textures, room brushes, strings, objectives etc), but a full overhaul is best left to the orig author.
I know, I don't think anyone would expect you to do even more.
Acknowledged by: Kolya
Man, I have to play this FM again. And while I'm at it, I can look for stuff. :ninja:

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