SS2 SHTUP-ND (Shock Texture Upgrade Project)

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Quote by Deu sex:
I'm having some z-fighting issues here and there with it, example :
"It"? What are you even talking about? And why does that screenshot have chromatic aberration all over it?
Deu sexQuote
Sorry, I was talking about SHTUP in general, when I have it enabled it creates visual artefacts (it flickers aggressively when you move the camera so I just assumed it is z-fighting), but it is only happening with texture filtering set to 0 in cam_ext.
Chromatic aberration is the result of some reshade experimentation, I don't think it can have an influence but I can try to disable it to verify.
📱 sarge945Quote
Are you using the mesh fix mod? Lots of objects in vanilla are completely borked
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki
The only mesh fix mod is Rebirth. I don't know what you think I'd be using that for.
📱 sarge945Quote
I was talking about this;topic=5982.0

I know a lot of people have had problems with things like z-fighting on gurneys and that mod fixes a lot of them.

I was wondering if Deu Sex was using that mod or not, as it came to mind regarding his z-fighting issue.

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