Quests and Objectives

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Quests and Objectives

(This could use some expanding. This was taken from the shocktut and is a good starting point, and explains what the qb filters do.)

Depending on how you view it, the way in which ShockEd handles quests and objectives is either a blessing or curse. Unlike Thief DromEd, there is no separate scripting commands for adding quests. In Thief DromEd, you would create a specific quest type which could be viewed on your objectives screen, "Get The Bafford Scepter" for example. ShockEd doesn't use this victory checking system, instead goals are handled via the object system. Certain markers have scripts on them which allow custom variable flags to be set. These flags are accessible through the entire game, irrespective of what actual 'level' the player is on. There also exists triggers on these custom variables. The general idea is that you have a trigger waiting to do something when a variable is set. For example, turn elevator on when ElevatorON is 1. You then would have a set trap that sets ElevatorON to 1 when the player did whatever was necessary to turn the elevator on. This system is more versatile than convict, but is perhaps harder to learn.

The actual goal notes displayed on screen has to be done separately. If you did set up a system that disable the elevator like this, then there wouldn't be a corresponding note - you would have to create it yourself and toggle it complete the same time as the elevator started working.

The collection of objects which perform these checks are known as "QuestBits" in the hierarchy, and exist under Traps. There are six of them: QB Set, QB Filter, Anti-QB Filter, QB Trigger, Anti-QB Trigger, and Simple QB Trigger. Like all other traps they work on switchlink signals, and they all make use of the properties Script->QBVal and Script->QBName

A QB Set is the one you would use when a quest would be complete. On an incoming TurnOn signal through a switchlink they set the variable defined in QB Name, to the number in QB Val.

A QB Filter acts like an AND gate. They only allow signals from the incoming switchlink to pass if the variable named in QB Name satisfies the value in QB Val. Useful when you want a device to only work when an objective has been completed. Remember that it doesn't actually produce a signal, it only allows one to pass.

An Anti-QB Filter allows the signal to pass when the condition is not satisfied, for example to keep spawning monsters until you click a switch. Remember that it doesn't actually produce a signal, it only allows one to pass.

A QB Trigger is different from a simple trigger. It takes an incoming switchlink signal and executes any relevant property on the marker if the variable named under QB Val is satisfied, ie, displays a message such as "Computer Online". It does this by using the UseMessage: MessageName property, which displays the corresponding message from usemsg.str in the strings.crf file.

An Anti-QB Trigger is the same as a QB Trigger, but activates the message when the variable is not set.

A QB Simple Trigger seems to send a TurnOn signal when the variable changes. We are guessing this, as the examples that we have looked at in-game do not have a QB Val setting.
This topic is an excellent candidate for a visual demonstration, either pictorial or video.  I can't stress how many times I've read the definitions posted above in one form or another but have been unable to execute them in any meaningful way in the game.  I've concluded that I'm either missing some brain matter or this feature of ShockED does not lend itself to a written explanation.  The former is entirely possible as I don't learn the way most do but then again, ShockED isn't the most user-friendly thing ever conceived.
Split this up to stick to the editing rules.
Crap did I violate some very explicitly stated rule again?  I'm really bad at that I've noticed.
Lol no you're fine, in fact I'm revising them. Nothing in stone :) contribute away!
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