GameState editing! HackEd
v1.5.0 has been released with the capabilities to change the game state - even the starting state for fan missions!
The two major features:
First: Allow for GameState override for fan missions - let the protagonist start on a different level, with different inventory, and also have the variables have a different value.
Sadly, this is only for supporting engines, which currently is only the Source Port. Shockolate does not support this yet, and has received a
feature request. (Thinking about it, perhaps this could be my first ticket to finally get hacking on there as well...)
This feature also allows for "New Game Plus" missions! To get people started, I created a template project,
available here.
Second: Load and edit savegames. This can help struggling players, and also aid in looking for another case of "deleted plot items".
[edit]Oh, the static resources can now also load the source port "sshock.kpf" file, which is a ZIP file in disguise that contains all the resource files.[/edit]
In other news, since I was working on the "
mod-examples" project, I updated both the "
Cortex Reaver Challenge", as well as the "
Museum" missions to have files for Source-Port.
Since I also figured out a way to let the Source Port load mod/mission files without having to rename the resource files, I documented the recommended project layout
in the Wiki as well.
This allows to run the editor and the engine in parallel, without the constant need of renaming/copying files.
What's up next? I have no idea. There are still things like editing of 3D objects or fonts missing, yet there are also a many many feature requests from users. Next to my own unhappyness of the internal structure to "easily" implement these feature requests... All combined with little time to follow up on this.