📌 SS1src: Modding Tools: InkyBlackness

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Allowing keyboard input on values (+ copy&paste) would help a lot.
Thank you for the requests. Adding text-input fields would probably address a lot of this, yes.
As for the different units for height/rotation: That's because the engine itself uses different base units for these things (Plus, these sliders are for both new archives, and savegames). Only degrees are the "common" abstract unit here.
I'm adding the requests to the list of usability, which I'm now working on - slowly.
HackEd v1.6.0 has been released and it now remembers the last editing state! So, no more tedious loading of static assets and the active mod every time.

Finally tackling the oldest feature request in my backlog (from 2018), this is the first one to follow up on various pending user requests.

I can't say which ones I'll go handle next, I only know that I was working on this released feature on and off during the past weeks, starting early September.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
I already pinged you on the NDS discord. I'm not a fan of centralized settings files in any software ever. I prefer instanced workspaces rather than this. Where the setting file is located in the same folder as the executable. Hopefully there will be a solution that allows instanced workspaces in the editor versions going forward.
you mean not all the application files being located inside its root folder? I couldn't agree more, avoiding this would be much more more preferable - hunting cfgs/saves/whatever all around the hard drive is definitely not on my favorite things to do list.

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