SS2 interface & HUD text font

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Nameless VoiceQuote
You'll need Telliamed's Thief Font Converter to modify SS2's .fon files, by converting them to/from .bmp format.
Ok i download thieffon but i don' know exactly how I should use them   :confused: .I extract it and try and launch thieffon.exe but that didn't work .I use win console(cmd wroted in windows console) and tryed again but nothing happened :/ .What should I do if i want add eastern signs(polish letter) to ssh2 font ??How should I us thief fon or other programs?
There is a manual thieffon.txt coming with it. Did you read that?
Yes but I have no idea what I should do :/ I tryed directing which are describe in thieffon.txt (thieffon -c and other) but I get only this communique : Thief Font Converter 1.0 :|  ... What should I do write in console ??
If you can't come up with a more specific question I can't help you. Do you expect me to write a step by step guide for you? Maybe it's time to rethink whether you have the skills right now for what you plan to do. You should start reading a lot more and asking a lot less questions until you have gained some basic knowledge.

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