SS2 Traduzione Italiana

1 Guest is here.
Preso dalla mod francese...
Si capisce?

si les sous-titres ne sont pas déjà parametrés, éditez "cam_ext.cfg" à la racine du jeu (dossier SS2/)

vous pouvez choisir les sous-titres qui ne seront pas affichés via la ligne 'subtitles_hide_types '

movie     cutscenes
player    tous les sons et textes issus du joueur
convo     toutes les voix Off et les commentaires faits au joueur directement
bark      Issus des IA consistant en des bruits ambients des phrases et marmonements
nonverbal Tous les bruits environnents sont décrits, principalement destiné aux malentendants. desactivé par defaut.

copiez / modifiez :

; -------------
; subtitles
; -------------
;subtitles_hide_types movie+player+convo+bark+nonverbal
subtitles_hide_types nonverbal
subtitles_dim 20 80 86
subtitles_font_dir fonts\
subtitles_font_name mainaa
subtitles_spacing 1
;subtitles_bg_color 0 0 0 0
subtitles_show_descr 0
subtitles_max_dist_bark 50
subtitles_color_convo 255 255 255
subtitles_color_player 255 255 255
subtitles_color_fx 0 255 0
subtitles_color_bark 25 25 200
subtitles_color_urgent 200 0 0
subtitles_color_movie 119 188 151
multisampletype 8
Ciao ragazzi! And here my Italian ends... So if any of those attachments above should be merged into the translation mod at the top of this thread, I trust that you will mention it in English here, right? Oder Deutsch.
Ciao Marca, sì mi pare di capirci qualcosa, ma prevedo tanto lavoro in più... vedremo!

Hi Kolya, thank you very much for stopping by; yes please, integrate them along with the ones
I'm posting here, that would be very kind of you! I'm (very slowly) going on with the project.

Would you please shed a bit of light on the subtitles? As I understand from the french post,
we need to do a new file and edit cam.cfg to have them? Can logs and emails have subtitles?

Vielen herzlichen Dank und einen schönen Abend noch!
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If you want to see how subs are done, just refer to the English (here) and German subtitles (here). The latter ones also contain subs for the emails, although they are timed to the German audio translation, not the English one which most Italian players will probably use.
You can contact Mooztik so that he can parse the Italian string files for you and translate them to non-timed subtitle files, then time them to English or German audio using the existing files. Or you simply copy all Italian text over the English/German subtitles which is equally time-consuming.

Look in docs\newdark\subtitles-sample.sub for more info.
Hi Marvin, thank you very much for the information  :thumb:!

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