📱 SS2 HUD Logs

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Quote by Deu sex:
Also the Many doesn't seem to have a portrait when it talks, deliberate choice to make it more mysterious?

The many doesn't talk to you through audio logs
I have a bug to report.

Running a bunch of mods currently, however this happens with vanilla (just this mod + SCP) as well.

This seems to be mostly innocuous as it doesn't actually stop any portraits from showing up when emails are received. I do wish we could get portraits for logs in the standard version, though.

Here is the relevant error in my ss2.log

: OSM:
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong type (integer expected, got null)]

: OSM:

: OSM: *FUNCTION [destructor()] .\DMM\HUD Logs v1\sq_scripts\hudlogs.nut line [196]

: OSM:

: OSM: [_logBitmap] NULL

: OSM: [this] INSTANCE

: OSM:
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [wrong type (integer expected, got null)]

: OSM:

: OSM: *FUNCTION [destructor()] .\DMM\HUD Logs v1\sq_scripts\hudlogs.nut line [196]

: OSM: *FUNCTION [OnEndScript()] .\DMM\HUD Logs v1\sq_scripts\hudlogs.nut line [200]

: OSM:

: OSM: [_logBitmap] NULL

: OSM: [this] INSTANCE

: OSM: [this] INSTANCE

I would provide a savegame, but I don't know which one is which.
Acknowledged by: ZylonBane
ZylonBaneI think there's a compromise. It could have a glitched out/static portrait and have [UNKNOWN] sender.
Your rig would able to process it because it is linked into your brain. This isn't 'impossible' because the rig already allows you to perceive ghosts, which already implies the rig is already connected somewhat to psychic activity.
However, since it is not a standard e-mail, the rig does not process it properly and doesn't have a 'real' portrait calling it 'The Many'. Although in my opinion it could probably start calling it 'The Many' after the reveal cutscene. You could mind-canon it as Goggles or Shodan/Polito reprogramming your rig to better interpret the psychic signal once Goggles is aware of The Many.
Mod updated to v2.
- Adds a message popup when you're sent cyber modules.
- Fixes a potential memory leak.

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