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Posted by: GreeX
« on: 18. December 2020, 19:04:02 »

Russian translation for this Fan Missions  (last edit  20.02.2020)  —  SS2FM_Minstrel_1-03_RUS.7z
    Download:   https://yadi.sk/d/or8HM7-BK2uGOA

Screenshots and information about this russification
    Link:   https://darkfate.org/forum/index.php?topic=1100.msg287559#msg287559

  Капитан грузопассажирского корабля "Минстрел", следующего по маршруту "Каллисто — Станция L5", сообщил о совершённом на борту убийстве. Позже, он отправил ещё одно сообщение, в котором говорилось, что причина смерти была естественной. После этого на связь он больше не выходил.
  Ваша задача — встретиться с "Минстрелом" и выяснить, что произошло.
Posted by: Ricardo Gavarni
« on: 26. November 2020, 23:01:42 »

One can circumvent this by adding only textual information. Some ideas:

1) item named "Allergon" that does nothing but which description states it's side-effects; could be located in the Fen's room

2) Info stand near the medical room that lists all medications available onboard and their notable side-effects (maybe hacking it would give the player a medical hypo, so there's a use other than revealing the plot)
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. November 2020, 21:28:42 »

new audio clips would have to be recorded by the original voice actors. so that'd be a no.
Posted by: Ricardo Gavarni
« on: 26. November 2020, 21:20:00 »

Yes, I understand the engine limitations thing. Is it possible to add the removed content as a separate log?

The other log cut for length is Clifton Marsh's; here, he straight confesses to murdering Fen, organizing a new hive, and hypnotizing the captain. Everything about it is either unimportant or deductible from other sources, so I don't particularly miss these parts.

On the other hand, there are some remarks suggesting the development of paranoia.

> Another message from the ex, screaming about alimony. If I thought it was going to the children, I'd pay it, but that bitch spends most of it on herself. Captain had a talk with me about the crate mix up.He said he was sure it was the Jupiter Skies crew but I know he really thinks I screwed up. He's really got it in for me.

I think the point of the entire crates 4372460/4372803 story was to drop that line: "but I know he is out to get me".
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. November 2020, 21:16:14 »

I had to cut them down, as there is a limit on the amount of log text the engine can display.
Posted by: Ricardo Gavarni
« on: 26. November 2020, 21:12:02 »

I took a look at the mod files out of curiosity. I compared the original text files by The Pixie to the ones edited by voodoo47. There was an interesting part cut off, a fragment of Medical Log by Barton Seagrave:

> One of the passengers, a Fen Drayton, came in complaining about nausea. MediScan indicates an allergic reaction to something, probably that StayFresh they put in the air, and I prescribed AllerGon... Hmm, I should've warned her it would make her drowsy. Oh, well, not like she'll be using heavy machinery for a few days anyway, then she'll be off the ship, and can stop using it.

> Karl came in today. He'd dropped a plasma wrench on his foot. It was not as bad as it might be, and the MediBed sorted him out, but the paperwork for an industrial accident...

So, piecing it all together... Jupiter Skies employed hybrids (humans augmented with annelids). The worms were sent with The Minstrel, and Fen Drayton (who is a psionic or something) was tasked with keeping them suppressed psionically. Unfortunately, she had an allergy and was prescribed a drug that caused sleepiness (she wasn't aware of this; she was supposed to stay awake for the entire trip). The worms managed to befriend Clifton Marsh and conveyed to him their fear of Fen Drayton (naturally, they considered her to be an enemy). Eventually, Clifton Marsh helps annelids to escape and/or kills Fen. Then he convinces the captain to keep an annelid nest "for study". Afterward, everything goes to hell.

I feel like this is a neat "For Want of a Nail" scenario. I feel sorry that the last clue (side effects of Allergon) was cut off; is it possible to include this? For example, by splitting the medical log into two shorter logs or creating an information table that lists side-effects of various medications?

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. April 2020, 20:16:23 »


it's not really a matter of the right sequence, but just a sequence - early quests need to be finished before you start the later ones and so on.
Posted by: Wroom
« on: 23. April 2020, 19:36:20 »

Finished it. Thank you. Right quest sequence was the key :thumb:
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. April 2020, 17:48:54 »

aha, right - so yeah, that's not the correct key, you will have to complete a different quest to get the core access. check your quest log.
Posted by: Wroom
« on: 23. April 2020, 17:33:11 »

Also new card is not appear in keycard list
Save drive.google.com/file/d/1XqLR062r_ZHzzC_o90axH1-mvEuzVql6/view
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. April 2020, 17:09:07 »

the pickup descriptions don't matter - that indeed is the card that will let you into the reactor core //nope, read the description wrong, that is just the crew only area key.

post a save if you still think it's bugged.
Posted by: Wroom
« on: 23. April 2020, 16:48:02 »

I need help here. I can't pick up reactor core access card. It picks as crew card instead. All addons is off.
Game config and ingame screenshots is here: imgur.com/a/vt3YICD
Please help me. I spend last night running circles on map while found this bug... :(
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. May 2019, 15:00:25 »

it's just one big level, so not very big, when compared to the other FMs or the vanilla game. the ship is about three quarters the size of Rickenbacker.
Posted by: quest
« on: 25. May 2019, 14:52:08 »

Hey! I was wondering how long this mission is, multiple decks and all that?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 21. February 2019, 23:34:51 »

Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. February 2019, 16:56:17 »

the mission is not meant to be MP ready, and I think I'll keep it that way - off the bat, there are at least three instances of scripted stuff that will blow up sky-high with more than one player present in the level.
Posted by: Vegoraptor
« on: 20. February 2019, 02:36:57 »

So, just confirming what probably nobody doubted, but the FM is not ready for multiplayer, you spawn in separate instances of the map, same as with the original earth map. I wonder how hard it would be to get it running, in principle one would just need to add appropriate spawn points and figuratively tether the players together lest they run off activating all the quests simultaneously, right?
For some reason, however, an assault rifle spawns next to the shipping crate in the aft of your ship, so I guess there was some groundwork done already, since the only single-player difficulty where you also get a rifle is Impossible, which if I recall correctly is not standard for MP.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. February 2017, 09:47:11 »

time to finally pack the full 1.03 up - no more beta patches;

-restored the partially set up laser rifle into full working order
-moved the turret on the bridge out of reach so melee creatures won't be getting stuck right under it after it's hacked
-a teleport fx is spawned when the girl gets teleported to the cryotube
-the wonky breakable vent fans should hopefully work better now

and off it goes into the first post. pretty sure there are things that could be tweaked left, but it's not like there aren't enough numbers left after 03.

//notes to self - needs one more Gallium, and the starting gear laspistol is set to destroy on hard difficulty, making things really tough (no ranged weapons for a real while), maybe remove that. the medical log should mention that the girl is afraid of heights, to explain why she won't use the grav shafts. perhaps hide a pistol in one of the empty passenger cabins. 1426 jammed into the wall a bit too much. the last rumbler gets removed by a trigger if the player takes to long to kill it, looks just bad. wines a description maybe.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 27. May 2016, 16:36:20 »

Posted by: icemann
« on: 27. May 2016, 16:31:38 »

Common rule of thumb is that if your the creator of a thread, put any files you want people to download in the first post of the thread and update that first post when newer versions become available. Common sense.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. May 2016, 07:48:37 »

Hiding updates in later posts or the comment section makes no sense at all and is thankfully only rarely seen for that reason. Expecting a website to adopt an uncommon and impractical policy instead of looking for the most obvious solution displays a lack of common sense which will - and should - get you in trouble.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 27. May 2016, 06:48:31 »

It's not a question of smartness. Anyway for the record that file has 136 downloads.
Posted by: Marvin
« on: 27. May 2016, 06:29:40 »

Some people are unaware of our first-post-update-policy and expect to find newer files in later posts...
Some people are not very smart.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 27. May 2016, 02:16:17 »

nope, that's the orig release (with a hotfix that would make it not crash after a few minutes), it even uses the old ss2mod extension. rename to zip and extract, load with FMsel.

Oh nice!  Yeah I changed it to .zip instead of ss2mod and your exactly right, I'll be checking it out here sooner or later.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. May 2016, 22:16:26 »

anyone patching something .03 with .02 deserves whatever is coming. also, the ss2mod extension acts as sort of protection - less experienced people (who are more likely to mess up while patching) will most likely have no idea what to do with it.

so I wouldn't be too worried.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 26. May 2016, 22:09:37 »

it's good to have a backup, and chances of someone being so creative are pretty low.
Some people are unaware of our first-post-update-policy and expect to find newer files in later posts...
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. May 2016, 20:18:11 »

nope, that's the orig release (with a hotfix that would make it not crash after a few minutes), it even uses the old ss2mod extension. rename to zip and extract, load with FMsel.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. May 2016, 10:37:44 »

well, let's say he did in some areas. other ones, not so much. you can check out the original release if you want (to see the difference).

Oh nice.  I'll have to try this out, maybe tomorrow or this weekend, I am curious to see the original unedited version of the work.  Thanks for the link.

Edit: looks like the link might be just a patch and not the original .mis/ect.. files, no worries though, thank you anyways, but it would be interesting to have known the full intent of the FM.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. May 2016, 10:34:23 »

it's good to have a backup, and chances of someone being so creative are pretty low.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 26. May 2016, 10:26:00 »

I'm guessing that the attachment here is not useful anymore. Then it should be removed to avoid people thinking this was still a necessary patch and dropping it on top of the current mission.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. May 2016, 10:23:20 »

well, let's say he did in some areas. other ones, not so much. you can check out the original release if you want (to see the difference).
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. May 2016, 07:50:07 »

Oh I see, interesting, I wonder what the original creator had in mind?  Either way, he/they did a great job putting this together.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 25. May 2016, 12:31:16 »

ah, those. yeah, probably part of a quest that never made it into the final (oldDark) release.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 23. May 2016, 23:32:39 »

Sure thing, here are the screenshots, these levers (which look like they are intended to be some sort of valve shutoff switch maybe?) are movable when you press the interact/use key on them.  Below are the screenshots of two (but there are I think two more or so switches also elsewhere in the FM):

[switchonBdeckinventspipe.jpg expired]
[switchonpipenearreactorcoredoor.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 23. May 2016, 06:10:27 »

not sure what do you mean - screenshots?
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. May 2016, 23:36:10 »

Oh I see, interesting, yeah, that might be it.  Because there were other custom items that were not able to be picked up.  But nonetheless it added an interesting touch.  I also noticed there were alot more switches on pipes that seemed to be unused, again I think my second playthrough might reveal more if there is more too be revealed.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. May 2016, 17:39:43 »

the strange tools are just decorative. it's possible that some function was planned, but we'll never know.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 22. May 2016, 16:33:22 »

So, I finished the mission, and everything worked fine after I updated the patch to 1.03beata9 as well as downloaded Olfred’s fixed objects package.  And I must say this FM is nothing short of impressive!

Below is my  breakdown of what I thought of the FM in its entirety:

Pros/positive comments:
The FM looked like it was (and only the ones who made it truly know…) done by professionals for sure. The way the underbelly of the ship was created and the way some of the custom objects were created and used were quite impressive, the spider in the tube foreshadowing near future events was creepy! :stroke:

Awesome story line told through the audio logs and wall information consoles.  :thumb:

Although linear, there is a lot of open-ended areas to explore (I still need to playthrough it a second time).

The ending felt sastifying and the rescue part and the way it was implemented was unexpected and impressive!  :thumb:

The way the monsters traversed the ship felt real (especially the hybrids going in and out of the Engine areas).

The augmented reality portion was really cool!   :cyborg:

Cons/minor ‘questions’ (very few I must say):

What where the tesla bit grip, different looking auto tool, and plasma wrenches for? (I am presuming they were for fixing the nacelles if you let them go past 60 MPa but not sure)

Some areas were slightly too tight to squeeze in at times but were otherwise accessible.

Final synopsis:
I liked the FM a lot and I will most likely play it again in the near future once I get around to it and get the urge to go again at it.  Overall I give this FM a 9.5/10 great job!   Attached are some pictures I took; one is the creepy spider I mentioned and the other is of the teddy bear because, well, teddy bear :kekeke:.

[awh.jpg expired]
[spookyspider.jpg expired]
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 04. May 2016, 19:03:09 »

1.03beta9 attached to the first post - map reprocessed to fix random issues, and added a small step to the player's cryotube so he'd be able to exit it smoothly. starting a new game is required.
Posted by: icemann
« on: 27. April 2016, 04:08:42 »

In my recent playthrough I did a similar tactic. Just kept hanging around nearby the doors, killing hybrids who spawned in other nearby areas. Eventually 1 came through (after 2 minutes) and I rushed through.
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. April 2016, 22:37:09 »

Anyways, thanks both of you for your imput; I do appreciate it!  :thumb:
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. April 2016, 22:36:27 »

By the way, I discovered that if you kill a hybrid  near one of those locked doors, its corpse will keep unlocking the door. "Beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .".

It would be good to remove whatever door-unlocking magic is on them when they die.

lol Zylon, beepboop...........beepboop.............beepboop  :droid:
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. April 2016, 22:33:24 »

Aaah ok thank you ZylonBane and voodoo, I appreciate the feedback on this  :D, so its basically either waiting, obtaining, or find access in a high place (which I presume is a vent or something similar), I'll continue where I left off later on today then.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. April 2016, 17:44:43 »

it's done via stims I believe, it should be doable by a bit of nvscripting, I think.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 26. April 2016, 17:31:33 »

By the way, I discovered that if you kill a hybrid  near one of those locked doors, its corpse will keep unlocking the door. "Beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beepboop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .".

It would be good to remove whatever door-unlocking magic is on them when they die.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 26. April 2016, 17:25:26 »

the hybrid spawning is semi random, so sometimes, you need to wait a couple of minutes until they open the secdoor - but they will eventually, I made sure. there is also an alternate way of getting into the secure area, it involves a bit of climbing and jumping, if you are a more acrobatic type. that means anyone will find a way in as long as he looks around hard enough (and the non-sec area is not that large).
Posted by: chuckles n chestnuts
« on: 26. April 2016, 11:43:05 »

Ok, so I'am playing this FM as I said I would in my post.  But I noticed that the issue with the hybrids opening the door is happening to me so I can't progress to B deck.  I have the 1.02 version patched with the 1.03 beta patch. 

All audio logs as well as voices are working.  The FM itself so far is gracefully constructed and the way the audio logs were created practically look professional I must say.  But I've been reading some of the comments on this and I am confounded as to something that has seemingly so much effort put into it but yet has such a simple flaw that seems to halt my progression.  So if someone can chime in and direct me to how I can get the door to open without having to go into dromED myself and just remove the door just to play it would be greatly appreciated.

I want to progress in this FM really bad!  So any quick advice for workaround or fix without having to dabble in dromED would be appreciated!
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. April 2016, 18:54:09 »

that could work.
Posted by: ZylonBane
« on: 22. April 2016, 18:48:29 »

Maybe raise the bottom of the tube so the player is high enough to just walk over the lip?
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 22. April 2016, 17:57:08 »

yeah, but I sort of like the effect of  the steam partially covering the player's face while he takes his first breath (oxygen meter filling). we'll see.
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