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Topic: SS2 Audio Logs (SPOILERS) Read 259221 times  

Tags: °audiologs

Unified Audiologs List

Below you will find two interesting messages that were planned to be triggered in the game (not sent as audiologs). "Transmission from Cortez" would have been played once you managed to power up the transmitter set up by the resistance. The second one,  "Delacroix's Last Words" would have been played once you found Marie D.
« Last Edit: 13. September 2012, 14:10:31 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 Audio Logs (56K-WARNING!)
It tells me that McKay's logs, and the two afterward aren't on the server  :confused:  You might want to check their locations and names.
Re: SS2 Audio Logs (56K-WARNING!)
Thanks. I fixed these.


66edf3b02f792SHODANs Hacker

Re: SS2 Audio Logs (56K-WARNING!)
   DATE 05.JUL.14
To: Miller, Marc
Marc, what's going on? I thought it was weird when you asked me to send up sixteen of my female staffers… but… what have you done with them? I'm shorthanded up here. Also, have you heard from Watts, Sanger or Polito? It's like everyone's gone on vacation and no one decided to tell me.

I could have sworn that this log was on Hydro, down a ramp to a small bridge over some water?  :confused:
Re: SS2 Audio Logs (56K-WARNING!)
I think you're correct. It's certainly not on Engineering.
As soon as I or anyone else can confirm it's on Hydro it will be changed.

Re: SS2 Audio Logs (56K-WARNING!)
I changed the logs into a html-file. Seems much more convenient.

I also fixed some more audiologs today. Most of them by Brian Norris, the SS1-fan who won a contest named "Get killed by Shodan" to become a cadaver on board the Von Braun.

Regarding Loesser's log I'm not so sure anymore as the deck name should be the working place of the person who recorded the log.
It doesn't necessarily reflect the place you find the log in.

« Last Edit: 01. January 2007, 03:29:30 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 Audio Logs
I finished putting anchors on each of the logs.
You can now link to single Audiologs by rightclicking one of the crew-images and choosing Copy link location.

« Last Edit: 03. June 2005, 01:25:33 by kolya »


Re: SS2 Audio Logs
jesus frickin' christ.

Let me just say that I were listening to some music not really containing much bass at all... VERY loud. I've got this huge (THX) 7.1 blow-your-ears-off-with-volume-and-crush-your-chest-with-bass 700w RMS surround system (brag,brag... well. It did cost me a lot of money so I deserve that :bluegrin:)... I think I were using half of the volume of this beast. Surfing around enjoying lovely SS2 related material... happen to go by this link here....... click......

:eyecrazy: :shakingjoy: :shocked: :shakinfear: :scatter: :help:

Lets just say the bass output on that song scared me more than the first time I spotted a midwife... (or every time I saw a monkey)

If I'm not mistaken that crushyourgutswithagoodsoundsystem song is made by Björk?

you might consider either putting up a warning or lowering the volume or even removing the music :).

Oh, by the way. I want to thank everyone that happens to pass by for contributing to the SS2 community, you just gave me a reason to relive SS2 due to improved gameplay!

Re: SS2 Audio Logs
Yeah, that's Björk...
In my experience not too many people surf with a hifi-system and bass to the max but I've put up a warning.
I don't want to lower the volume as it's adjusted to fit the logs volume. And I certainly won't remove it!  :nuts: 

;) Kolya


Re: SS2 Audio Logs
Is anyone up to the task of including shodan's emails and the messages of the many in this? That'd be a great resource.


Re: SS2 Audio Logs
Is anyone up to the task of including shodan's emails and the messages of the many in this? That'd be a great resource.
yea, that would be cool
any links? :)

66edf3b03035cLambda 00

New issue:
maroon (in  DATE 08.JUL.14: ROSENBERG, RECREATION: MY NANITES) should be moron

Edit, another one:
Hypes (in  DATE 10.JUL.14: JUAN CURTIZ, ENGINEERING: JUST US) should be Hypos

Edit, never mind, both were correct -My hearing just sucks- :borg:
« Last Edit: 30. January 2008, 16:44:06 by Lambda 00 »
No, maroon is correct. I'm not a native speaker but I'm pretty sure it's an euphemism like "what the heck". Anyway, it came up recently on TTLG and was confirmed as 'maroon'. There also seems to be some allusion to Bugs Bunny...
Gotta check the other. Thanks for the heads-up.
Dear Kolya,

I would have contacted you otherwise, but I couldn't find any valid E-Mail-adress of yours.
So here is my question:

What's the name of the song you chose as audiolog ambient music?
It's by Björk, so much I know...

But what song?

Much obliged,
« Last Edit: 20. August 2016, 16:09:14 by Kolya »
This is awesome.. is the emails coming anytime soon? They should be easier to make right :D
Quite frankly I neither have the time nor inclination atm. Someone proposed to do mails a month ago on IRC but as usual nothing came from it.


Hi; yep, it's me... I'd be happy to contribute my 'chronology' to the site... it's cold and lonely in space... I mean "on yahoo".

I'd be happy to upload the entire thing lock, stock, and barrel... feel free to restyle it any way you like / need.

EDIT: I volunteer to restyle my page to suit the site, if I'm given a bit of direction... cheers
« Last Edit: 17. May 2008, 08:49:17 by Kolya »
Woah, hey lorax1284!
I thought I knew the name when I saw the new registrations... :)
You have a great collection there and it would be really cool if it could be merged with the one above. Is that what you had in mind?
I sent you a PM. In it you will find FTP access details to the directory on our server that contains the logs and everything that goes with it. The HTML file there uses CSS defined at the start. Basically if you would want to use the colours (as can also be seen in the codeblock below), that would be cool.
Apart from that do as you please, and of course we'll be happy to host the outcome here. Just upload what you got to that FTP dir.

Code: [Select]
Body {
background: #1e1e1e;
font-family: 'Square 721 BT', Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color:#000; }

h1 {
font.weight:bold; }

p {
font-size: medium; }

table {
margin-top: 30px;
font-size: small;
td {
color: #75c34b;
a:link { color:#f4ffee;  text-decoration: none;}
a:visited { color:#d1e7c5;text-decoration: none;}
a:active { color:#FFF080; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color:#fff080; text-decoration: none; }
a:focus { color:#FFF080; text-decoration: none; }


EDIT: I volunteer to restyle my page to suit the site, if I'm given a bit of direction... cheers

What you might call the "first draft" is here:

I still like the chronological approach plus alternative per person navigation.
It seems you main goal is to fit your previous yahoo page into the SBF style (much appreciated).
But I have to ask: Do you plan to add the Many's messages? Even just text would be cool.


Do you plan to add the Many's messages? Even just text would be cool.

Sure! The only thing preventing that is "where do they fit in the chronology". Same with Xerxes messages. I'd put them all in if someone would care to suggest insertion points (of course, they'd all be in the "while you're running around...." bits, but if there was a strong sense of where they occur, I'd be happy to do it.

66edf3b03143eCap. John Matrix

Is there in somewhere a Xerxes' message list? It could be cool to see ...

EDIT: In wikiquote website there are some messages from Xerxes ...
« Last Edit: 07. June 2008, 03:53:09 by Cap. John Matrix »


is there anywhere to get the shodan and polito emails?

EDIT: i am sure that chronologically nearly all of the emails happpened after most of the logs found through out the game
« Last Edit: 11. June 2008, 19:58:31 by Kolya »

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