🔒 SS2Tool questions

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They won't put it on their front page or anywhere else because the last fix conflicts with their forum policies. Let's leave it at that.

You should just download and doubleclick the executable file and you'll see why I said it's an installer. You're being a bit too clever here, extracting every exe you find. Or maybe you downloaded the Source Files.
Er...hmm. It seemed to be a bunch of different files- perhaps I downloaded the wrong thing? I will try again- thanks!
Well there is an executable (SS2Tool_v.2.4.exe) and a file named appropriately
SourceFiles_SS2Tool_v. You want the first of course.
Ah! I think I just went for the one with the most recent version number (ie- I assumed 2.4.7 outranked 2.4!) I will get the exe one. Cheers!

Q: I have got SS2 working on my laptop without using the Kolya tool. If I install the Kolya tool on my Desktop SS2, does that effectively make it a different version of the game- in other words, will the Kolya version play co-op with the non-Kolya version?
You are a very confused young man, that much is sure. For one thing the executable and the source files have the same version number. The "7" is part of the file extension: .7z

If the game runs fine for you, it depends on which version you have, whether you want to patch it or not. Basically, if you have the multiplayer button in your game menu and the game runs, you don't need the SS2 Tool.
There is no such thing as a "Kolya version". Kolya is my name, don't wear it out.

Now here's a pro-tip: Read the first post. Thoroughly.

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