SS2 Schatten SHMUP (Shock Music Update) V1.1

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Sadly, after listening to SHMUP, I'm really disappointed... not only did Shatten forget about dynamics matching, resulting in much louder soundtrack with unequalized volume between songs, and with much dynamic lost due to acoustic compression with too high gain ratio on some songs; the main problem is that ADPCM 4-bit compression with 22kHz sampling gave most of the upbeat tracks a distinct, crispy EQ, which the "studio" soundtrack doesn't have (many oldschool DnB DJs downsample songs just to make them feel more vinyl-y). Also, changes made to some songs (Eng1, Command 1) seem just bad to me. Still, all ambient tracks gained much with hiss removal and, usually, no clipping occurring (there was mild clipping in original songs).

I suggest deleting the rest and leaving only those (namely 02-07 & Eng2) to everybody who wants a playing experience most consistent with original one (and with developer's intentions too - as far as my e-mail correspondence with RobotKid goes).

Shatten - as for Eng1, you should use resampled e1brk.wav & e1brkfil.wav from the original song instead of replacing it with cuts from EB soundtrack - the mix losses a lot with improper cuts used.
Also, the 08bells.wav & 08bellsr.wav *are* available in HQ from RobotKid's SS2 MedSci samplepack - it's medsci_150bpm/MEDSCI_ Mks-80.aif , played forward in the first & reversed mixed with forward in the latter, AFAIR.
The original source music is available.  Why don't you implement the fixes you're talking about and upload for comparision?
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, Vaxquis
IFTFY, RocketMan. The thread for the Vintage Song Remake is;topic=6849 <- here.

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