SS2 QBR Breaker

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I think the vanilla respawning is pretty ok - its job is to keep the players on their toes at all times, and it does exactly that, I believe.

one way or another, tweaking the ecologies is probably one of the most, if not THE most annoying and time consuming thing there is as far as I'm concerned (see my ongoing effort to make the RttUNN ecologies not suck, still not done after a couple of YEARS), so there's that.

Quote by voodoo47:
I think the vanilla respawning is pretty ok - its job is to keep the players on their toes at all times, and it does exactly that, I believe.

one way or another, tweaking the ecologies is probably one of the most, if not THE most annoying and time consuming thing there is as far as I'm concerned (see my ongoing effort to make the RttUNN ecologies not suck, still not done after a couple of YEARS), so there's that.

yeah enemy respawning is pretty okay. My "respawn everything on new map" idea was just to appease the people who turn respawning off completely, to maybe make the game a little better for them because of the large amount of backtracking in SS2. For the Dark Souls reference (respawn/heal everything when you die), I was talking about player respawning, to discourage the current "run at them with your wrench out many times until they eventually die" approach within the game. Would that be related to the complex ecology rules?

I understand modding is hard work though, so feel free to dump it all in the "too hard" bin. It was just a suggestion, and I am more than happy to just not use QBRMs at all rather than "fixing" the respawn mechanic (which I am sure a lot of people don't even see an issue with, which is fine).
it is, and it also isn't, depends on what exactly you want to do. for example disabling spawning is pretty easy, anything else in that area, not so much.


Quote by sarge945:
would hate for this mod to suddenly stop working after an SCP update
the beauty of dml mods is that they are largely immune to changes in other mods, and even if something breaks, fixing them up if that happens is trivial. that's why I'm always saying, if it can be done via dml, do it via dml.

Quote by voodoo47:
also;the beauty of dml mods is that they are largely immune to changes in other mods, and even if something breaks, fixing them up if that happens is trivial. that's why I'm always saying, if it can be done via dml, do it via dml.

Fair enough.

I would love to do some reading on DML. I played through the game a few years back and DMLs didnt even exist, everything was all incompatible gamesys mods. I am really glad it's going the way of more modularity. Is this related to the new scripting possibilities in NewDark?
yes, ND has done wonders in more than one area, the ability to load essentially infinite amount of dml mods at the same time not being an exception.

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