Doom & Gloom

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Hey old strangers. Let's start some serious talk once more. Over the years I noticed this is one of few sensible gaming forums when it comes to broader life issues.

Linked Topic: "People born before the 2000s, how do you feel about the way the world has changed?"
My response:

Perhaps you have some bullet points to add? Perhaps you think I've lost the plot? Perhaps you think it's not all bad?

I want to see some intelligent, alternate, and potentially more correct perspectives on the matter. Or just for us all to nod in agreement. Validation can be nice.

Here's the post in case the pozzed reddit takes it down:

  • Healthcare is wrecked in many countries due to reduced funding and brain drain (e.g UK, Canada). USA was always extortionate so no change there.
  • The economy is wrecked, especially real estate. The rat race is not very appealing without a slice of cheese at the end.
  • Journalism's credibility is in shambles.
  • Wages have stagnated significantly, haven't kept up with inflation since 2000 or so, so 90% of the population is just getting shafted. Especially the younger half starting from nothing.
  • The vast majority of food in North America is laden with industrial oils and such to cut costs. It's disgusting and evil, slowly poisoning you and your children.
  • Sense of community is gone. Everyone is more echo chambers mostly, and not accomplishing anything through this connection. Real life everyone is more divided than ever.
  • Video games are utterly braindead now, in addition to predatory. I would not let my children play the majority from the past 20 years or so. Exceptions of course apply, especially lower budget ones.
  • Hollywood, well I used to be big into movies. I haven't watched a single one in 5 years or so. My passion was killed.
  • Mainstream music went from real instruments, feel good with a meaningful message, real talent, and a vast diversity of styles to an artificially popularized (by record labels) select few, almost always with a bad message/influence on children. I can hardly stand the radio. It used to be magical feelings in abundance, a very long time ago (90s and prior).
  • Corruption (institutional, systemic; large scale) was generally more subtle, but now it can't be more obvious.
  • I am particularly concerned about children. Poison food, education is allegedly a complete joke in addition to 2 years at home because of COVID, and online degenerate content consumed daily without restriction. Among other things such as the aforementioned braindead video games and corrupt music.
  • Unrestrained immigration in many western countries is a huge issue, e.g we don't even have the infrastructure (housing, services, healthcare) to handle a mass influx of people. I have no idea what the hell the so-called "elite" are up to, other than trying to destroy the west, but it isn't looking good.
  • Mass homelessness with no solution even being planned. All the taxpayer money in the world is available for certain other concerns however.
  • Relationships: family, trust, love and marriage are getting strained by numerous modern dynamics.
  • Christianity is not respected anymore. I am agnostic , but nonetheless it was still a good thing to instill virtues in those not naturally virtuous or perhaps otherwise in a bad place temporarily; it was good for society as a whole. The message was largely positive.

Despite all this doom and gloom, there are a few silver linings:
-Convenience of services (food delivery etc).
-Technology has improved aspects of general living, though not nearly as much as it should (see Japan for a better standard).
-People appear to generally be less violent. It's probably just where I'm from and now no longer live though. But I still think it's generally true across the board, e.g people are subdued by cameras being everywhere and declining testosterone levels in men, in addition to other factors maybe.
-The internet, while I am confident that it is more a net negative for humanity *in its current state* (and can explain precisely why if it is desired), it does have plenty upsides too.
-Smoking is no longer glorified and heavily marketed by evil companies.
Ultimately, things aren't looking good. The governments of the western world are apparently hellbent in creating an eventual dystopia, and a lot of their decisions are aligned between nations, as if acting as a single entity (e.g UK, Canada, France and USA all have many of the same issues as a result of their decisions). Societal collapse could be near, though it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty. We're such a mess on the inside that it weakens us. Internally most of these western nations are in serious need in healing. Know that the only reason we haven't been invaded already is all your tax dollar thrown into the military, our technology, and alliances (NATO). Advanced near-future technology used against people (control, warfare etc) is also a very disturbing threat. This isn't said to scare you, it is said to educate and prepare you, mentally if nothing else.
yeah, pretty much (living in a country that just came full circle, starting with corrupt mafia politicians stealing everything left and right as soon as the iron curtain fell, then trying to get rid of them for 30 years, and now giving the same breed of politicians power again because whatever). good thing I stopped giving half a damn circa 2011.

needs to be noted that hope is just an illusion, the world has always been a dumpster fire, maybe with some short periods where the fire burns a bit less, but that's it.

hence, "screw it, I'm-a just going to play SS2 and not care 'till kingdom come. Deus Ex too".

also I'm disappointed, was thinking the topic will discuss Doom and Gloom, as in, the games.
Acknowledged by: Join2
For me its lots of things in regards to the world changes. Things like "far left" and "far right" did not exist when I was growing up. People had different opinions, and if someone disagreed awesome, lets sit down and debate it. Nowadays if someone disagrees then they end up wanting to kill each other, with neither side budging an inch. I put all the blame on social media there.

Younger generations sensitivity around words and wanting them banned drives me bonkers. The left wanting some kinds of comedy banned (eg the style Dave Chappelle does) I don't like. If you find it offensive then don't watch it. Simple.

Revionist history of banning movies and media for stuff that was normal and accepted at the point in time they were released.

On the less serious side I miss the music, videogame genres and types of movies that were common when I was growing up. For example slasher horror movies (eg Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street etc), and great science fiction action films (eg Terminator, Predator, Aliens, Wrath of Khan, Back to the Future etc) were all the norm. Plus martial arts films were all the craze (due to a mixture of Bruce Lee and the Ninja craze). Nowadays I barely see a film worth watching.
Very true Voodoo. The world has always been total shit. Worse even. Constant warring, trampling on others for personal gain and corruption all throughout history. With the exception of post-WW2 to the 90s when things had been increasingly looking up, slowly one day at a time, generally speaking. With the exception of pre WW1/2 also with the industrialization of Britain, invention of the steam locomotive, harnessing of electricity etc. Today is a sharp decline from the standard set in the past 100 years or so, minus those german fucks going crazy for a few years (among some other wars). Yes I know we have many Germans here on this forum.
There is also the issue of the cycle of power coming to an end...e,g empires would come and go, corrupt leaders would be overthrown and so forth. That cycle ends once technology becomes too powerful. e.g Bob Page if his plans were to be carried out in full. Or Skynet. Humanity is done past a certain level of power attained by an individual, it's all over if abused...which of course, it absolutely will be. And that future (in some form or other) doesn't seem too far away.

Anyways, thanks for confirming I am not crazy. The masses so often in their utter intellectual inadequacy always have me feeling crazy when I try to interact with them. Not that I am brilliant, I'm not, but jesus fuck there is a lot of stupid people out there. Nothing we didn't all already know mind you but it never stops being frustrating and disappointing.
On the less serious side I miss the music, videogame genres and types of movies that were common when I was growing up. For example slasher horror movies (eg Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street etc), and great science fiction action films (eg Terminator, Predator, Aliens, Wrath of Khan, Back to the Future etc) were all the norm. Plus martial arts films were all the craze (due to a mixture of Bruce Lee and the Ninja craze). Nowadays I barely see a film worth watching.

Fuck yes I do. My soul weeps for all of it. Well, not so much slasher movies, I always thought they were kinda dumb, but other horror styles + everything else you said, hell yes. Content was on average more intelligent, meaningful and substantial, and furthermore actually made for men quite frequently. Nothing is made exclusively for men anymore except OnlyFans, and well fuck that shit. Not in a million years. I am not a degenerate.
I've consumed so much good old media (games, music, movies) multiple times over that...I pretty much have run out of content lol. Though I haven't watched a movie in years as mentioned, so a mass rerun of all the classics will eventually be on the table. Classic video games never exit the rotation though. That love is unbreakable, at least until death comes for me. There's hundreds of great games + mods to keep em going, plus games are replayable by nature if good. Just wait a few years at worst.

Also, well said about some of your additional bullet points there. Things like banning words, historical revisionism, short-sighted feminism and other forms extremism I am not quite convinced is pure youthful stupidity, but rather a nefarious powerful agenda behind it all imposing it on the youth...but given it is all so widespread, I have doubts about that too. Maybe the crazies have simply taken over. Or maybe we keep giving crazy & stupid too much validation and attention, it always guarantees a reaction (which can be used to one's advantage) further encouraging it. It's probably a mix of all three. I know for sure that video game companies pull stunts of this nature for attention through controversy. It's very obvious. Then again I heard from an industry insider that the video game industry today is overwhelmingly filled with leftist extremist types. Maybe they're just being...them. Dumb, that is.

And yeah, there didn't used to be all this political extremism before indeed. Everyone was just more sensible across the board on these matters. Clown world now, as they say.
A big part of the problem is how much the youth (especially late teen & early 20s) is worshipped, pandered to, and given a microphone in the west, and has been for a long time. Kids ARE DUMB by nature due to inexperience...why would society do this. Often for profit of course. And possibly numerous other reasons.
Then, there is all the kids running amok on the internet, completely anonymous with no age displayed. That doesn't exactly cultivate intelligent discussion and societal progress, but rather the opposite. Kids are supposed to shut up and listen more often than not. That's how the old world used to be.
Acknowledged by: icemann
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