🔒 ❕ System Shock Enhanced Edition released on GOG

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I'm happy to confirm that the rumors about an upcoming GOG release of the original System Shock are indeed true, and you can now purchase System Shock Enhanced Edition on GOG. This is the CD version of the game, now running through a custom windows loader that has been created by Malba Tahan - basically, enhancing and incorporating his already released mods like SHLINK and the mouselook/hires mod into one complete package, featuring;

- the game runs natively under windows, no (slow) dosbox emulation
- toggle able mouselook mode (smart, auto-disables itself when the player is interacting with objects)
- higher resolution support, up to 1024*768 (able to set custom ones as well, even widescreen)
- windowed mode
- scaling smoothing/filtering
- remappable keys
- no resolution changing when entering full map
- resolution and other settings now stored outside the savegames, eliminating the need to always set them anew once a game is started
- storing the settings externally also allows the log audio to be enabled by default
- can make screenshots by hitting printscreen (stored in \res\gen)
- couple of fixes to scaling, brightness and onscreen text

This is pretty much as good as it gets without a source port or an engine clone - I have to say that I'm quite impressed what a little cooperation between the IP owners and the community can accomplish. That reminds me, the Night Dive team says hello, and thanks everyone for all the support and mods - and as a token of appreciation, five free keys have been provided, first five (registered) users posting here (asking for a key) will receive one via pm. //keys are now gone.

So, what are you waiting for? The smoothest Citadel ever awaits.
Acknowledged by: lgs
Can I has a key?  :thumb:
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
I'll take a key, please! :)
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
I'd like to request a key as well :)
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
Weeee! Can i have one please?
Acknowledged by: voodoo47
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