SS1 Japanese System Shock version

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It's a bunch of files for each language. The main problem though is that the language buttons in the menu are hardcoded. So you can't just drop in another language. It will have to replace English, German or French. Replacing English is the most straightforward way, because then it starts up in that language.
Acknowledged by: RocketMan
If the buttons are hard coded, with what can a language file be open ? There is a tutorial out there, because i played SS1 and i can translate it to romanian language.
Well if you replace the English language files with translated files, then the "English" Button will enable your translation. What I meant was, that there is no (easy) way to transparently add new languages, ie in such a way that new language buttons would appear.
We have all files from the Japanese version that differ from the English release now. Attached to the first post.
Go ahead and look through them. Apparently sshock.exe is different too, although I doubt it's for language dependency. Maybe a different version of the game executable?
Acknowledged by: Briareos H
Briareos HQuote
I don't have the time to check right now but I'd think the new .exe has to be there because of the language. The character table for written japanese is quite enormous and there are specific character width requirements (full width kana and kanji + half-width katakana), usage of which would have to be reflected in the code.

Also: thanks Kolya for taking the initiative to contact the blogger and getting to the bottom of it.
Now my life's goal is to obtain a boxed copy.

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