🔒 SS2 minimod: Real Hybrid Shotgun

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added the Arcaniac version (why? because I can). this one is quite different from the previous two - it uses the setup from the first video (the other setup is not implementable without looking stupid because of screwed up Arcaniac joints), and works for both SCP and the (SS2tool patched) vanilla game (no user intervention necessary, the game knows whether the user is running vanilla or SCP and will activate the proper dml).

the good: this will conveniently unfuck the Arcaniac hybrid as much as possible without editing the model itself (the hybrid actually aiming the shotgun at the player now, and muzzle flashes spawn where they should), improve the visuals by using the real shotgun world model, and switch the model accordingly in case a shotgun world model mod (such as Tacticool) is installed (Assidragon's SCP shotgun can be seen on the attached picture).

the bad: when running vanilla game, it's quite obvious that the hybrid shotgun world model is smaller than the player shotgun. possible fix currently under investigation.

the ugly: Arcaniac model is still ugly.
Yankee ClipperQuote

Quote by voodoo47:
the ugly: Arcaniac model is still ugly.

Yes, yes it is.

Unless it is being compared to either the vanilla or rebirth models, then it looks stunningly beautiful. Rebirth is just too cartoony for me. I realize that it is one of the most popular mods available, but the Arcaniac mod - stripped of that twink droid as well as the rebirth models (rumblers and monkeys) - just looks better to me.

I tried out the Arcaniac shotgun minimod. Impressive! It is now on my permanent roster of mods.
dunno, there is just something about the Arcaniac stuff that makes me go "how about no!" for some reason - maybe it's my mind subconsciously rejecting the concept of converted HL1 (and other) models as part of SS2.

also, I have this weird relationship with the (Arcaniac) pack, one part of me wants it to be unmaintained and just die off already, but the other part always ends up fixing it anyway (probably because effort is one of the few things I recognize, and despite all the weird and broken stuff, there is no doubt that a considerable amount of it went into the mod).

anyway, if nothing else, I was able to get all the gears turning as I wanted them to, so satisfaction derived. and if someone actually enjoys using the Arcaniac (mini)mod, well, all the better.
quickly added mission dmls that fix the size on the pre-placed shotguns (orig missions only, no FMs), and the release version (RealSG_Arcaniac_1.0.7z) is now attached to the Arcaniac mod topic. both RC downloaders are recommended to switch to the full release.
Because I've been tardy in keeping up with current affairs... it's the vanilla shotty that has a missing polygon that you want fixed?  I mean I assume all sg hybrids from all mods are affected but does the scope of the mod plan to cover them all or u just want the vanilla one?

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