🔒 Outline for a new mod manager

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@Zeebok: I did a bit of testing and reading in the new dark docs last night. As a conclusion the preferred path to add mod resources to would probably be mod_path (Doh!) in cam_mod.ini since it loads all kinds of resources.
I might be able to help a bit with this if you need it, Zeebok. I work on a wxWidgets-based launcher for FreeSpace 2 Open.

Why wxWidgets, by the way, as opposed to, say, Qt?
@Kolya: Luckily I haven't got to the point of changing ini files yet but thanks for the heads up.

@jg18: If you'd like to help that's fine, so far I've been doing ok (outside of having free time) but I will certainly get in touch if I run into problems. As for why I chose wxWidgets; just curious how the library was. Wanted to mess with some kind of C++ GUI library and heard this was one of the nicer ones. I certainly am interested in seeing Qt more but perhaps for a different project.
Once you're done with the mod manager, what about adding something to set all the stuff which you can only be set through config files?
IMHO it would be a nice addition.

My idea would be something like this.
That's a whole different can of worms for several reasons. I'd be superhappy if we just had a good modmanager.

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