📌 ❕ DMM - Dark engine Mod Manager

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The Dark engine Mod Manager (DMM) lets you install and organize mods for System Shock 2, Thief, and Thief II in a straightforward manner.

Read the manual.

or from the attachments below

Contributions are always welcome! If you have a useful feature to add, you can fork the repo and open a pull request or file an issue on GitHub.

DMM is a continuation of the SS2BMM project. It can be used as a drop-in replacement.

Quote by Marvin:
* Concerning read denied warnings: Do you just get a warning in the console or are there actual problems with the functionality? I'm just using basic wxWidgets file system functionality, reduced to the limited NTFS feature set of Wine. No changes at all since the project started, so no idea what I could do to fix.
* Saved profiles not shown immediately: This is intended. However, the use button should have stayed disabled. Fixed
* Cut-off deletion sentence: Probably one of a couple of million different things that can go wrong with string manipulation between operating systems.
* Missing symbols: Wine issue with Unicode symbols and Windows BOM. I tried several ways to implement Unicode symbols, this is the only one that worked consistently on Windows. Shame about Wine.
* Cut-off popup: Does the terminal tell you anything interesting when that happens? The deletion dialog is the same as any other standard dialog. Does this always happen with a certain mod folder, maybe containing invalid characters?
* Drag and drop: Shame. The feature relies on certain refresh timings working correctly. Win only then. Thanks for the feedback!
* Wording: Where exactly does it still say "Exit and start game" anymore? I thought I changed that everywhere.
This is regarding the latest Version of BMM v.1.16.1, so it will most likely concern the initial release of DMM:
* Concerning read denied warnings
No problems with functionality, this is just displayed in the terminal. I thought maybe that information is of some use to you, it isn't for me.
Cut-off popup:
The normal cut off always happens, no terminal message.
The tiny-pop-up is really unpredictable, now I got it when saving a profile. No Terminal message either. Pressing enter however acknowledged the tiny-pop-up that should say that the profile was successfully saved at [&path].
* Wording:
Under v.1.16
Maybe you meant that you relabeled it to something else, but to me this reads as if it was different before and NOW is "Exit and start game". Maybe I'm just stupid and the "existing" part is clear enough to others, but to me it should say "relabeled existing "Exit and start game" to "Launch game"". (Just to clarify, probably nobody cares.)

Is there anything specific you want me to test on the DMM?

Edit: DMM specific:

Profiles from BMM not recognized in DMM. However initial modsetup loaded correctly on first startup (nice!).
Not particularly, no. Maybe checking some Thief setup as that's new.

Profiles not recognized simply because of the file ending. You can just rename it.
Now on TTLG to gather some feedback from the Thief community: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151204
Acknowledged by: voodoo47

Quote by Twist:
You may hate me for pointing this out so late, but I don't think Dark Mod Manager is a good name for a new tool to be used by the Thief community.

They already have the well-established Dark Mod. It's been around for over a decade (it won PCGamer's Mod of the Year in 2012), it's still popular, and it's still actively updated.


Introducing something called Dark Mod Manager that has nothing to do with the established Dark Mod could be, quite obviously, confusing and problematic. It's also possible some of the developers of the Dark Mod may, somewhat understandably, take offense.

Sorry, I hadn't taken the time to read all the comments in this thread since before you gave it a name.
Feathers were ruffled (see TTLG thread), so added an "engine" to the title. Exe and stuff stays the same.
Acknowledged by 3 members: JML, voodoo47, K-Bone
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