Cyberpunk - random articles & clips

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Random articles and clips on this topic keep coming up but there doesn't seem to be a thread to collect them. Instead of posting those in the "it's interesting to me"-thread, I figure it makes sense to create one for those that don't warrant their own thread or better belong in an already existing one.


"Why Japanese Cyberpunk is Different"

Is there really a difference between the 2? I find Japanese and Western cyberpunk to be super similar. Each is HEAVILY influenced by Bladerunner, Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

It only gets very different if you put Shadowrun into the mix, as that has fantasy creatures and races (eg dragons, elves, orcs etc) + magic, combined together with cyberpunk.
William Gibson would like a word with you.
Of Neuromancer if I remember right.
Yes, Gibson wrote the Neuromancer-trilogy.

I do think there's often some tonal difference but I never really analyzed it. The guy who made the clip does list a couple of interesting points, I think. Overall the whole genre is anything but sharply defined and it never was. Lots of cross-pollination going on, which was surely helped by real-world globalization, via real-world internet.

Shadowrun is certainly not pure yberpunk but a crossover of two very different genres. I understand the appeal but personally prefer my future noir without magic. Part of its appeal stems from it being so grounded in reality. The creator of the following clip disagrees with me though.

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