SS2 Halloween Pumpkin Heads

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Happy Halloween - everyone gets a pumpkin head. Hybrids get a pumpkin and spiders get a pumpkin and monkeys get a pumpkin and reavers get a pumpkin and robots get a pumpkin and cyborgs get a pumpkin and even worms get a tiny pumpkin. Pumpkins for everyone!

-just like any other SS2 mod (modmanager is required). If you are using Rebirth, extract the Rebirth patch into the Pumpkin mod and overwrite those two files. Will work for both vanilla SS2 (MUST be patched with a 31oct2015 or later release of SS2Tool to have the latest resources) and SCP. Should work on a game in progress, but starting a new game is mildly recommended. It may, or may not work properly in multiplayer. Rename shock2.gam.dml to shocksec.gam.dml if using Secmod (3.2+, untested).

-The Watcher (resources)
-Nameless Voice (NVscript)
-Olfred (last minute Shodan pumpkin fix)
-the rest of the (and TTLG) crew (various)

Notes: the mod has received only minimal testing - there may be a couple of pumpkins missing, or maybe too many at some places. also, this is a DML stub mod, that means it's not compatible with all other DML stub mods.
I installed it and activated it using the Blue Mod Manager, but the pumpkins don't show up. I tried first in a save game, and then from a new game. The Mod Manager shows it as a replacement and DML mod, and no other mod was active.
you need to update with the latest SS2tool TODAY (31oct2015 or later) so the required resources are updated properly. if you have patched on an earlier date, things will not work. run the tool and choose "update", that should fix it.
Yankee ClipperQuote
What resources get updated?

Also, folder size is too long. I know it is easily shortened, but I thought there was an effort to have the mod names be compliant.
Data\shock2.gam gets updated.
I'll shorten the mod name.  //Done
However the mod doesn't seem to work for me. :(
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