SS2 Straylight ADaOB v0.3.0

6 Guests are here.
ADaoB mod consists of many files and shock2.gam. Ejected casings are only in shock2.gam so any ADaoB fixes considering other files should remain after applying this mod.

If I am correct applying ADaoB 0.2.7 and  Straylight-0.2.2__Ejecting_Brass_v1 afterwards should miss only those two fixes considering shock2.gam:
- fixed crystal shard's damage while using the overhead smasher upgrade
- all broken doors (-1772) have the Door->translating attribute

I think that's tolerable and if you want you can use ShockEd to apply those fixes to shock2.gam yourself.

To use any music you like in elevator simply replace snd\amb\elevator.wav with any wav format music you want (convert to 22khz... if you are using SHMUP then 44Khz).
Chinese JetpilotQuote
Thanks for the reply!  I was under the (false) impression that I would have been missing out on more of the fixes.  Thanks for clarifying, really do appreciate it!
Hmm, the last version of ADaoB worked fine for me (0.2.6), but for some reason, my recycler stopped working entirely when I installed this new version.  If I uninstall it, it works again, so it's definitely this mod causing it.  Anybody else having that problem?
I am playing SS2 for the first time, with Straylight's mod installed. The idea of not seeing how the game was originally only bugged me until I read of the dreadful weapon balancement. Being a fan of energy weapons, I would have been displeased with the original settings. I have no particular complaint about the mod: the only thing I noticed, is that at Normal I have plenty of ammo all the time - but after all I melee 90% of the time even on Deck 6 and I'm a good scavenger, so that.

Little suggestion: have Toxins last a limited amount of time, it is ungodly annoying to die like that.
Does somebody have this bug with bleaking ligh?
And if there is Ejecting Brass Mod version for ADaoB v0.2.7?
Thanks for answering!

And how can I start the new topic? I have some nice thing to put here...

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