SS2 Vurt's Flora Overhaul

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Yeah it looked fine with SHTUP. I put this mod in the Temp folder which acts like it overwrites the stuff in Perm to test it so I could delete it without re-downloading the stuff it overwrite if it's problematic. I'll go ahead and just delete that file then.
So if we already have an older version installed, how does one go about updating?  Because . . .

Quote by vurt:
* all textures are now in .dds format

. . . suggests that it's not as simple as just dropping the new files in the DataPermMods folder and overwriting what's there.  There will be duplicate versions of every texture, due to the change of texture format.

Does one format take higher priority over the other?  Or does it matter?

I'm manually going to delete the older duplicate textures in other formats.  But I thought I'd ask, on behalf of others who might have the same questions.
.dds has higher priority.
Do some of these only look right with certain alpha settings in the .ini? In the latest upload, that same problem plant in the screenshots above has transparency issues for me around the leaves. Otherwise, the plants are looking good.
@ blaydes99 Never had any issues with the alpha, you're the only one who has reported any issue with it, afaik.

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