Shadow Warrior SWP Skies

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Replacement skyboxes for Shadow Warrior when running under SWP 4.3.1 (the expansion packs will also work), should look much better than whatever was available until now (512*512 tga vs 256*256 jpg in HRP makes a lot of difference). Disable any previous hires/lowres packages and extract to your SWP folder. All SW and Twin Dragon skyboxes should get replaced, and most in Wanton Destruction as well (I would have to get to know the Build engine editor to replace those that are left as I do not know the tile ids, but I currently have no time for that). One particular skybox is always shared between more maps, so sometimes it fits nicely, other times not so much, can't do anything about that.

Also, I'm starting to believe that Redux has broken skybox support, as no matter what I do, the code and resources that work just fine with SWP only display the bottom skybox texture everywhere when used with Redux. No idea whether GOG/steam can be persuaded to update the game.
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well, finally found a night city skybox (probably the only one on the entire internet) that is somewhat usable.. except for the gigantic glowing moon. my mspaint-fu is not strong enough to get rid of it - but pretty sure someone who has some texture skills could do it in three minutes. either (almost) pitch black sky should be ok, some stars would be amazing.
Something like this?:
bit hard to see the skyscrapers now, but not going to look a gift horse in the mouth too much. good enough and in it goes - thanks.

fun fact - the sky needs to be almost pitch black to hide a bunch of pretty ugly errors on a few maps.
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