🔒 System Shock remake and System Shock 3

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Sorry to climb onto the already packed What-went-wrong-with-Deus-Ex-Invisible-War bandwagon, but I have no idea at all how that manged to end up so un-Deus Ex-like. I mean, Deus Ex comes out, gains a lot of fans who are very vocal about what they like about it, and when the sequel comes out, it's ditched so much of what made the original so good. The skill points? Gone. The way you're very amateur with a certain weapon type, and can't aim well at all until you upgrade that weapon skill? Gone. The feeling of immersion by having realistic locations (in so far as the game engine can manage)? Gone. Being able to search bodies (which adds to the immersion)? Gone. Interesting characters and plots? Largely gone.

And for some gameplay-defying reason, they merged the lock-picks and multi-tools, added infinite ammunition, made hacking into an aug, and thought we'd all prefer an engine that gave us realistic shadows rather than large levels and the ability to swim.

Seriously, how did the Invisible War game design, which abandoned so many facets that made the original game so great, manage to get the go ahead? Anyone could have told them that it would not appeal to most Deus Ex fans.

The irony is, Invisible War isn't a bad game. It's not great either, but it's a lot better than people who play it expecting another Deus Ex judge it to be. But as a sequel to one of the all-time-greats, it's a massively misjudged disappointment.

Quote by JDoran:
Sorry to climb onto the already packed What-went-wrong-with-Deus-Ex-Invisible-War bandwagon, but I have no idea at all how that manged to end up so un-Deus Ex-like.

It's called a conflict of interests: business and art. It really shows. The Immersive Sim was unjustifiably under-performing on the PC market compared to the likes of other big names. Post-release of Deus Ex, LGS folded. Likely spooked, Ion Storm must have perceived they had no choice but to try a different approach. I don't blame them for that, although I strongly disagree with the approach that they took.

Quote by JDoran:
Seriously, how did the Invisible War game design, which abandoned so many facets that made the original game so great, manage to get the go ahead? Anyone could have told them that it would not appeal to most Deus Ex fans.
This is what Warren Spector and Harvey Smith themselves had to say about it in 2007:

It would be very interesting to hear their 2016-views on it. Harvey Smith probably developed his opinions quite some more after Blacksite. Dishonored felt like a very deliberate attempt at redemption to me.

Spector and Pacotti said this in 2015:
System Shock 3 has been announced, and is being developed by Otherside. There is also a remake of the original System Shock being developed by Nightdive Studios. What are everyone's thoughts on this? Personally I don't see why you are all so worried, complexity isn't the only thing that made the system shock games great, and I don't see how a console release
automatically means it is going to be streamlined. I also think some people need to calm down, they (both companies) said that they will be true to the original(s). Saying that they won't is an assumption, and after viewing some of Nightdive's previous work, it is very likely that they are being honest. There is even some of the same people who worked on the first two working in 3 and the remake as well. I'm sure that it will have a lot of the same features as the first two.

Also another thing, a game doesn't need to be complex to be good.

Quote by XKILLJOY98:
I don't see how a console release automatically means it is going to be streamlined.
because this usually means console controls on the pc version, as this is cheaper than doing proper pc controls and then streamline those to fit the console release (see Fallout4, yuck). however, NightDive have specifically said they won't be pulling that kind of thing (for the SS1 remake, if for nothing else), so I'm not too worried - as I have said before, I believe that all the current Shock projects have received pretty much the best start that has been possible. that, of course, doesn't mean that things can't go wrong, but the start is as good as it gets.

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