Cho Ren Sha 68K

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A great shoot-em-up with a very retro style that packs lots of fun. From the enemy formations, the background particles, the small ship you steer (small hitbox!) to the great arcade music, big explosions and ... Did I mention this game is hard? Well it is, not masocore but it'll keep you busy, accelerated heart rate included.
Thanks to maxdmg for pointing at this one.


Hint: If you manage to fly into the middle of one of the tri-powerups, they'll start spinning fast and then you get them all instead of just one.
Yup. I'm shmup maniak and ss2 too. This game is one of the best shmups.
Thanks, the 170523 version fixed audio bugs that I was having with a previous version on Windows 10.
Another fine release.  I've been to the Taito building in Japan and while this game is quite hard as Kolya said, I saw guys hunched over an arcade machine with a screen the size of... I dunno a party size pizza box? (it's big) and there had to be hundreds of projectiles on the screen at any given time leaving only a couple of centimeters of bare space in any given area for you to fly your ship without insta-dying.  I shit you not, it was like looking at a colony of E-Coli under a microscope and these guys were zig-zagging these bullets like it was no big deal.
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