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Posted by: Hikari
« on: 07. February 2021, 21:55:06 »

This is literally The mission I want to try coop when SS2EE hits.
Posted by: Yerltvachovicic
« on: 25. December 2019, 21:11:50 »

Ok, Xerxes hard points after many, many hours recognized for what they are =___='
to my eternal shame.

Still do not comprehend how I must have identified arachnid part to identify arachnid part ;0
Posted by: Yerltvachovicic
« on: 15. December 2019, 02:27:30 »

I've been playing Zygo Arena for 9 hours now, and still don't know how 'Xerxes hard points' look like and where to find them.
Little help anyone?

Also some of the bot chips need unusual materials for researching them, for example hybrid organ, but when I try to p-click hybrid organ to be used as component it doesn't continue research, what do I do wrong?
Posted by: icemann
« on: 15. February 2019, 17:16:11 »

Play it and see for yourself.
Posted by: daniel
« on: 10. May 2018, 07:57:08 »

what is this like an actual arena like the rome one? please respond if this is what i am looking for.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 20. February 2018, 05:59:55 »

IIRC SecBot chip generation is random, as most things are, so it's easy enough to not get it generated during a game. I cannot remember anything about a weapon using all ammo, my immediate thought is that it doesn't exist since it would have taken a shedload of gamesys links at a time when you could very easily crash ShockEd with them if you made a mistake.

Also IIRC using modify/ repair had a problem- you had to have used the skills on a weapon/ object requiring a certain skill level since there wasn't a script at that time to directly check the skill level of the player. Assumption was that if you had high repair/ modify you'd use them and that would set the flag allowing them to be used in the endgame. If you didn't use them then unfortunately it would act as if you didn't have the skills.

It's been so long that I really am hazy on the details though, except that they did all work. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Posted by: Hardcore
« on: 06. February 2018, 22:44:51 »

Shodan is hiding through a partially transparent wall. There are clues as to where this is (sound, you can see through the wall, a few other things). It's in one of the upstairs areas. Unfortunately that is one of the things which is impossible for me to know how easy or not it is to find- the only person I've ever seen play the mission found it the very first time they went into the relevant area but I'd imagine there'd be a lot of variation. Once you're there there are four different ways of winning, iirc modify, hacking and repair as well as brute force can be used to win.

Finished every fanmission for SS2 now. But I have a few questions and difficulties here. First thing I didn't get was the SecBot Chip to research an unidentified object. I also didn't get the weapon which could use any sort of ammunition. But I didn't hack every switch near the replicators. Are these items maybe in there?

The other thing is the bossfight. The only way which worked for me was to hack the 3 shields from the SHODAN-face and kill it. When I tried the option with the 5 switches and hack the switch with the code (after hacking the 3 shields) nothing happens. I also experimented with modify- and repairtools in the whole room on every possible object but couldn't find anything which work. Any hints?
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 22. January 2013, 05:40:57 »

Multiplayer works fine yeah, but for some reason NewDark falls on its face when it encounters 4-players. Usually it's not done often anyway due to bulkhead instability, but given your mod stays in one place and is filled with randomly-generated fast paced action, it sorta begs for group sessions. :P I haven't tried mix and matching (if the net code and map format wasn't changed theoretically this should work), but I have noted that loading a 32bit lightmap within a ddfix build locks up.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 21. January 2013, 23:10:59 »

The new version ought to be MP compatible so long as everyone is using newdark- unfortunately I have no reliable way of testing MP myself at the moment as the cpu fan on my laptop has died. Mix and match between versions (I presume) won't work.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 21. January 2013, 12:20:33 »

For those running a version of SS2 older than NewDark for 4-player compatibility, you can still grab the old version of ZygoArena here. Also if I could throw my opinion in, I think a better option would be to include a folder/archive containing 16bit lightmap bakes of the maps within the main download. That way it's a simple installation for NewDark users, but those playing in a large group or on dinosaur computers for nostalgia can easily replace the files to play.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 20. January 2013, 22:05:42 »

I guess that's for the better. Due to the SS2Tool distribution most people have NewDark anyway. And if not, they should.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 20. January 2013, 22:02:16 »

Yeah, changed my mind as it was far too potentially confusing having two downloads there.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 20. January 2013, 21:49:31 »

Fine with me, but I think it should be explained in the first post what the versions are for.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 20. January 2013, 21:31:56 »

Thanks for the files.

The arena.mis included in that archive should be new dark 32bit (medium 9pt default options, iirc) since I thought that reprocessing the level might fix it quickly if the problem was with something like path finding- though now that I think about it the new version would be incompatible with old SS2 versions. While everyone should be using new dark and anything new I do would be done with that exclusively, I don't on principle like invalidating compatibility for old versions unless it's necessary. Might leave the old archive up as well, assuming it's OK with Kolya.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 20. January 2013, 11:59:45 »

Working here too. You can include these if you want to remove the cutscenes without crashing NewDark. Also, you should consider rebaking the lighting in double resolution with a 9-point weighted average if you have the time. You may have to adjust lighting positions to correct oddities but it greatly reduces the blocky nature of standard resolution lightmaps.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. January 2013, 11:27:35 »

yeah, (as there are no cutscenes whatsoever) it seems to work fine (for me, anyway). will play a bit more.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 20. January 2013, 11:17:17 »

I don't know where I got those files from, I don't think I actually made them anyway. I'd worked out the problem with the cutscenes yesterday, but then managed to confuse myself playing around with combinations of +s and movie names to get the movie skipping working via fm.cfg and wondering why it'd starting crashing again.

Anyway, I've attached an updated version with the new lighting + a newer nvscript.osm included as well. If someone can confirm it's working OK I'll attach it to the first post and remove the compatibility warning.

Additions, because I'm easily distracted: The monster pip thing will work without spatially aware once the 'plot' has progressed a bit, spatially aware just gives an advantage there (and for once is actually useful) and yes, earth.mis is included solely because of multiplayer- it's basically an empty level with one trigger to put some properties on the player.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. January 2013, 10:46:08 »

hmm, you are right - fm_movie_disable does indeed crash the mod, no matter what is (or isn't) in the mod's cutscene folder.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 20. January 2013, 10:40:31 »

Interesting. I tried the empty .wav trick and it indeed works. However, attempting to skip the cutscenes the correct way using fm.cfg crashes none-the-less (which is why I bundled my comment in regards with the blank 'video' files).
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 20. January 2013, 10:24:31 »

Apparently NewDark crashes if a cutscene gets skipped
no. I've checked the avi files, and I suspect they are just renamed empty txt files - tried to replace them with renamed empty wav files, and this has worked, the orig cutscenes are skipped (I assume this was the intention) and the mod loads without crashing.

so yeah, while NewDark the new ffmpeg video player does indeed crash when trying to play renamed txt files, I don't really consider this as bug - feeding a media player with renamed txt files seems like a really bad idea, if you ask me.
Posted by: LarkSS
« on: 20. January 2013, 10:05:13 »

I've identified the problem with this FM in NewDark. Apparently NewDark crashes if a cutscene gets skipped, regardless if it's because of a null data video file or if you use the provided fm.cfg functionality to skip cutscenes. Removing the Cutscenes folder provided with your FM and manually skipping them makes everything work happily. I ran through it for about 40 minutes without any crashes, though I did get lost and died of a hypo shortage, hehe. Hacking cameras didn't seem to show enemies on my map however (unless maybe it only shows up on the minimap?). (Works with spatially aware.) Also, this mod looks great with 2x32bit lightmaps. :D

FYI, if you are playing solo you can use fm.cfg to load directly into Arena.mis and jump straight into the action. Sure you lose out on a free skill point, but I believe earth.mis was only included for the sake of multiplayer.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 18. January 2013, 02:28:33 »

The upgrade terminals are designed to disappear, they then reappear later either in the same or a different location. It's mainly to prevent 'turtling' or 'farming' advantageous locations, and working as designed.

There are some (basic; same style as the SS2 originals "Find Dr Watts" etc) note instructions to be had but nothing too spectacular.
Posted by: gnartsch
« on: 12. January 2013, 21:30:27 »

I am just playing this one.
It was on-hold since I thought this would be some pure UnrealTournament Arena mission.  :rolleyes:

Ok, was quite some fun after all.
However some ingame story/instructions would have been nice.

Also I was always seeing a bug with all those 'Upgrade Terminals' since the very beginning.
After using on of them, chances are like 80% that the terminal itself will simply disappear after ~10 seconds.
I see that with all of them (Stat, Weapons, Tech, etc.)
I am playing using the original EXE, not the NewDark version.
Nothing helps, except for saving before using them and waiting long enough for them to disappear for a second - and hopefully reappear again.

Thanks !
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 12. January 2013, 21:21:25 »

Sadly it's not fixed by rebuilding the mission or anything simple like removing the custom motiondb so will need more in depth examination. I've added a warning to the first post until the situation is fixed.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 09. January 2013, 22:43:51 »

I'll have a look at it. Main mission works through ShockEd so it will hopefully be a fairly minor matter to fix, maybe even just recompiling through newdark.
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 05. January 2013, 00:00:39 »

yeah, it crashes. will try to look at things tomorrow (technically today, as it's past midnight).
Posted by: jimbob1141
« on: 04. January 2013, 23:46:50 »

but now what, extract the winrar into the FMs folder? because that just makes the FM window show me all the names of the folders and i cant run them >.< well i amde a folder in the FM folder and extracted contents to it and then loaded it up, but it still just crashes the same as before
Posted by: jimbob1141
« on: 04. January 2013, 23:43:57 »

ah i found it :P
Posted by: jimbob1141
« on: 04. January 2013, 23:40:55 »

remove ; from what line? i dont get what line you are telling me to edit here xD
Posted by: voodoo47
« on: 04. January 2013, 23:35:11 »

try using the new integrated fmselect. open cam_mod.ini and remove ; from the line with fm, that will activate it. next time you run ss2, the fm folder will be created, there you can place all the fms and and load the one you want to play when you run shock2.exe.
Posted by: jimbob1141
« on: 04. January 2013, 23:27:18 »

When i extract the files into my SS2 folder and then load it up and try to start a new game it crashes >.< whats going wrong here?
Posted by: unn_atropos
« on: 29. September 2012, 00:40:49 »

°blueprint °arena

Wow, this was a though one for making blueprints...
I haven't played this to the end yet, maybe I will add some more stuff like upgrade units and spawn points.
Posted by: Fironkkuify
« on: 24. December 2010, 05:30:37 »

It's funny how well a survival mode fits in System Shock 2.  Excellent work my friend X3
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 27. June 2010, 23:08:52 »

May I ask why you're using an outdated version of the mod manager? If I remember correctly it could not deal with the script and motions files.

In any case, I just tested the FM on a fresh install + SS2Tool.
Posted by: Gamer
« on: 27. June 2010, 22:28:48 »

The game crashes when trying to start a new game with this mission activated. I'm using Zombe's SS2 Mod Manager 1.10 on WinXP Sp3. I already tried disabling the write protect flag on Sshock2 folder and subfolders and it did not help.
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 10. November 2009, 16:29:43 »

Sure thing.
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 10. November 2009, 15:13:45 »

Thanks for the heads-up, I attached the archive as an additional download.
Posted by: Enchantermon
« on: 10. November 2009, 14:59:39 »

Tinyupload link is dead.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 03. August 2009, 13:07:24 »

Sorry for the late reply, probably irrelevant now but...

Shodan is hiding through a partially transparent wall. There are clues as to where this is (sound, you can see through the wall, a few other things). It's in one of the upstairs areas. Unfortunately that is one of the things which is impossible for me to know how easy or not it is to find- the only person I've ever seen play the mission found it the very first time they went into the relevant area but I'd imagine there'd be a lot of variation. Once you're there there are four different ways of winning, iirc modify, hacking and repair as well as brute force can be used to win.

No idea what was happening with the map, it and the minimap worked fine for me when I downloaded the zip file and checked. It's a shame, it makes hacking cameras quite useful as you can tell what's in rooms before going there. I'd agree with increasing the Naturally Able bonus, but it cannot be changed short of script editing, I believe.
Posted by: Doooom
« on: 23. May 2009, 09:23:41 »

Sorry for the late response, I only just found out you responded.

This FM is actually amazing, since it fills in the spot for 'people who only have a few minutes to play'. It's just jump right in start shooting stuff.

Though I've been playing it a lot alone and with my brother on Co-op. I finnally thought I'd complete the arena story, but I got at the 'destroy SHODAN and reboot Xerxes' part, but I've got no clue what to do. I've been running around like crazy with my runfast implant (amazing how usefull the Repair skill can get here) and I've killed about 50 or more of those SHODAN holograms.
Any help here what I should be doing on the last part?

@Zygo: Like you probably might've read, I've almost completed the game (I think), but the map is still as empty as it was at the start. Also, I got the Spacial Aware perk which eventually did show the map. But when I activate "Minimap" (you know, when you're watching your map, activate the Minimap option) I don't see a darn thing in the upper right corner. Any help there as well?
One more not on perks (at OS Machines). Wouldn't it be better to increase the amount of CM's you get from the 'Naturaly Able' perk or something; those 8 CM's are nothing compared to the increased cost of Upgrades. Perhaps something like 20 would be better? (it IS a one time perk after all and you're 'wasting' an OS slot on extra CM's so it should be worth something, shouldn't it?)

One more thing I'd like to say about those unfixable bugs.
It's not that bad, if you managed to build this thing almost from scratch but with some bugs, you still made an amazing mod to be enjoyed by the many people who still enjoy this game. Kudo's to you.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Still have to check that glass tube thing.
Posted by: Zygo
« on: 24. April 2009, 06:27:55 »

Arena does have a map, it only becomes visible once progress is made, though the player blip ought to be visible all the time. Primarily that was so that the Map OS upgrade had a purpose, at least if taken early.

The zero power thing is a bug which I could never fix, it ought to effect only powered items but doesn't. It has no practical effect, and since the alternative was removing the system I left it there. Same with the floaty worms- I think it had to do with the grenades hitting an AI and detonating in mid air. They're supposed to drop down (as with the ones in some of the original missions with drop from vents) but for some reason they occasionally won't.

Being able to destroy the weapons in the pit is useful if you don't get a recycler, which can happen. If it weren't there you could potentially have a gotcha situation if you're unlucky enough to get 'useless' weapons or break them, and get no recycler.

IIRC the weapon in the central area is accessible by clicking the glass cover, which will go up, slowly
Posted by: Doooom
« on: 04. April 2009, 15:55:51 »

I've just been playing a lot of Arena today, and I've stumbled upon some bugs I'd like to inform you all about.
First, after I received the message that my implants ran out of power, many items in my inventory were given a 0 amount of energy (My recycler had 0 power left, as if my recycler was an implant). This was also done to my armors and such.
Second. I have noticed that the Hybrid Grenadiers throw "Worm Grenades" sometimes, these spawning a worm. A great idea, but I often pass through the centre, noticing that my security (an army of hacked security bots *cough*) took care of the grenadier. Downside, I see a lot of floating in mid-air worms cause of that (off-screen Worm-grenade detonation?)
And some other things I'd like to say.
I really think it's unfair to be ably to recycle weaponry and armor. It makes the center destroyer almost uselss (only usefull for organs) and sometimes causes you to recycle your only pistol by accident.
By the way. I've noticed a weapon spawner in the upperlevel which is locked down with glass, when does it open? Cause I have been playing a lot (changed 2 sim units already) and nothing has changed yet, and I really want that light-saber in there!
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 02. April 2009, 17:03:32 »

I take it you mean your automap doesn't work in this FM. That's unfortunately normal since no map data was provided with the mission IIRC.
Posted by: Rabenseele
« on: 02. April 2009, 13:20:01 »

For some reason my automap does not work. Is there any file i can edit to make it work again? I don't really like to reinstall if I can avoid it.
Posted by: Doooom
« on: 08. March 2009, 09:43:05 »

Heh, I got the problem solved before you answered, I didn't have my visible extensions enabled. Thanks anyway.
But I'll be glad to chat with anyone else about this FM. I've been playing for an hour already.
It is really cool, but I keep dying ridiculously much, even on Easy. Any tips to help me out?
By the way, I'm still stuck with my wrench and pistol, and I've noticed certain types of object come out of different spawners. Can anyone tell me out of which spawner new weapons come out?
Posted by: Nameless Voice
« on: 07. March 2009, 21:08:21 »

Chang the file extension to .ss2mod and let the mod manager handle it.
Posted by: Doooom
« on: 07. March 2009, 18:10:16 »

I've just downloaded the whole thing, unzipped it (I wasn't sure what to do) and read the readme.
But I'm having some problem. The readme is a little unclear on how to install the FM.
I've installed SS2MM and went over SS2 with SS2Tool_v2.7 (that's what windows explorer says)
Can anyone help me and explain what to do with it?
Posted by: Kolya
« on: 03. October 2006, 01:33:46 »

A mistake that can easily happen to anyone.  :wtfu:
Posted by: The Brain
« on: 02. October 2006, 20:44:07 »

Zombies?  :weird:
It's Zombe's, not Zombies. And yes it is.
Posted by: OnyxPaladin
« on: 30. September 2006, 23:05:51 »

Is this compatible with Zombies mod manager?
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