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Topic: It's interesting to me
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I see this thread get replied to sometimes and I don't even know what it is about
Random stuff. Pretty self-explanatory: random stuff that you'd like to share but you don't feel like it merits a dedicated thread.


It is a thread about ranting or blabbing about the random stuff that interests you.
In almost every music video I watch there are the same few comment types on top. There is "Still vibing to that song in 2021!" and "They don't make them like that anymore." and finally "This used to be my father's favourite song. Reminds me of long car rides we shared. I miss him so much."

The first is a transparent attention grab, it happens for any year as long as the video gets enough views. The second is the only one of the 3 that's probably genuine, because it's such a common misconception that the music of your youth was the best, whether that was 50 years ago or 5. It is only the last of these that I wasn't sure about. I kept finding this type again and again though, always highly rated.

It absolutely IS a common misconception. Ask anyone, their favorite is from ages 0-25 or so. Makes perfect sense. That was when everything was fresh, they had their first crush, their first concert, whatever.
But now, the misconception ends. Mainstream music is now heavily degenerate, talentless, FAR less diverse, lack of instruments involved = less skill honing, practice, feedback and innovation among a group. And speaking of groups (a composer, songwriter, and singer in this example), they're disjointed. Don't even work in the same room. Don't even need to know how to read music. They even did a study proving modern mainstream music was more repetitive and stupid on the whole (comparing word count, vocabulary and such).

The artists these days are often hired not for their musical talent also, but for alternate concerns. Their ability to give fellatio, lack of principles (readily "sell their soul" to do whatever the record label asks), because they're a looker and that sells tickets to teenage girls...because they will dress as a devil, talk about sex in clear English (old music almost always used innuendo instead so they were not understood by the young),  spread degeneracy and corrupt the youth and the easily influenced (women more so than men, matter of factly).

Think of how many older artists there were back in the day, even on the radio. Where are old artists on the radio now? NON EXISTENT.  They're old and ugly, and have old-fashioned principles. They are relegated to doing tours and small time venues. There was tons of ugly artists in general too. Again, pretty much phased out now outside of rare exceptions. It's not about the music anymore.

I could go into far more detail, but I should start charging.
« Last Edit: 07. March 2024, 15:00:33 by Join2 »


I agree somewhat with the above, though not the fellatio bit. Definitely far less instruments, more woke and less allowances of non-left aligned stuff in the lyrics (eg no anti-LGB of the like that Eminem often did, and even earlier on Guns'n Roses did as well). I definitely agree on there being less innuendo or modest sexiness (eg Madonna's 90's stuff) and far more direct just going full or very close to full nudity (eg Cardi B or Megan Thee Stalion, whose music is pretty much porn and you find actual porn versions on pornhub of some of their songs).
Though this is all "mainstream" radio, and not all music. If you delve into the more underground radio stations then you'll find FAR more variety. Progressive rock for example and metal are still going strong, just not on mainstream radio.

As for older artists, some are still at it. It just never makes it onto the radio for some odd reason. If you look to Spotify or similar then you'll often find new albums etc from the older bands and singers.


ok, wrapping a youtube vid with the emoji code is freaky.


Something funky is going on with that video link. Not seen a video without even being clicked on, pulse like that on the forums here before. Epilepsy warning for the video also.


Code: [Select]
[emoji=Wilted Flower][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOPoysfnE68[/youtube][/emoji]
Epilepsy warning for the video also.

Ear violation warning too. That's some excessive reverb on the vocals.

66ee0b4a15325Nameless Voice

I kind of want to steal this emoji     hackery.

Do people actually still listen to the radio?  I thought everyone just used music streaming services these days?

... wait, are people seriously complaining that music is bad now because it's less acceptable to randomly hate on gay people?  That's a pretty weird criteria for sure.
Lol how are you guys avoiding the radio? Never leave the basement? I am partialy joking but to me that seems like the only way to avoid it!

Retail stores? Radio. Someone else's car? Radio. Work? Depends on the establishment. Luckily, not for me. But I still can't escape the damn cursed airwaves.
Gym they play not the radio, but their own playlists which often contain pop music from a few years back, mumble rap, other worthless crap like super generic dance.

... wait, are people seriously complaining that music is bad now because it's less acceptable to randomly hate on gay people?  That's a pretty weird criteria for sure.

Who...said that?

Edit: oh icemann. Yeah I don't really want anti LGBT stuff on the radio. Don't want pro stuff either though. Dont want immodest sexual shit, period. If there exists pro, then I advocate for anti too. So there.
« Last Edit: 07. March 2024, 16:09:23 by Join2 »


I wouldn't know, I think I'm good with finishing this ride listening to AC/DC.

66ee0b4a158d0Nameless Voice

It'd odd, I hadn't even really noticed it - shops used to play music, but now they rarely do.  Can't think of any shops I've been in recently where I've heard music, other than the inescapable Christmas music around December.

I'm not a heavy shop person, the main shops I'd be going to be would be supermarkets to buy groceries, and they don't play music.
But also other shops I've been in don't generally play music, or if they do, it's very quiet.

Might be because you need a licence to play music in a public premises here, and I remember that was costly for a small business back in the day.

Pubs tend to have music (usually much too loud), but it's generally older stuff or traditional, rather than anything modern / popular.
Acknowledged by: Join2
I wouldn't know, I think I'm good with finishing this ride listening to AC/DC.

Wow you are old.

I am not much a fan of hard rock I guess. I like rock and metal/heavy metal, but hard rock rarely sounds exceptional me. Good yes, but wow I could listen on repeat, no. AC/DC are ok. KiSS suck. Ozzy Osborne meh. Guns & Roses meh. Motorhead is quite badass though.

Sorry bro. Still, I'll take it over modern crap anyday and they made GREAT backing tracks to many classic american action movies.


Wow you are old.
yes. sometimes it feels like I'm knocking on heaven's door.

no need to apologize - not limited to AC/DC of course, that was just an example showing where approximately the bracket lies. also, game soundtracks.
« Last Edit: 07. March 2024, 18:53:25 by voodoo47 »
Acknowledged by: Join2


... wait, are people seriously complaining that music is bad now because it's less acceptable to randomly hate on gay people?  That's a pretty weird criteria for sure.

I wasn't meaning that that made the music bad or good. More just was stating of how more sanitised what is played on the radio has become nowadays.

66ee0b4a16481Nameless Voice

Wasn't that always the case?

I'm reminded of this old Monty Python song:



..facebook today - here is all the AI generated porn that exists.
porn isn't good
I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that..


..and Fallout, Fallout everywhere. well, better than infected hooves, I suppose.

was thinking maybe I should give FO4 another whirl, but then remembered how I just got fed up with all the bugs and missing/broken mechanics, and all the mods that fixed the bugs and mechanics, only to introduce new bugs, so you would have to get more mods to fix those, and so on..

so I think I'm good - but I guess no harm in asking, did Bethesda fix anything in the last decade?

66ee0b4a16b0dNameless Voice

I seriously doubt they've fixed the painfully awful writing.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Chandlermaki, fox
I don't remember FO4 being too buggy but of course it's a Bethesda game, so only relatively speaking. Most complaints I have heared were about it being too streamlined into shooter territory which is partially true but I still had lots of fun exploring it. To be honest, I might have enjoyed the action-oriented aspects of the gameplay more than with FO3 or NV because of it and I also enjoyed the less depressing, technically updated, look. The main story was weak as usual for the Bethesda FOs and compared to New Vegas but that came expected and is not really a problem for me, as there's enough good side stuff and environmental environmental storytelling to keep me interested.

I stayed away from Fallout 76 because people made fun of its buggy state (and the lack of NPCs) for quite a while but when I tried it a year or two ago, it seemed ok (relatively speaking again).

I ended up enjoying the first season of the new show too. The first two or three episodes are mostly for establishing the setting. They competently captured and recreated the tone of the Bethesda-FOs to a degree that positively surprised me although some of the characters and/or their actors really rubbed me the wrong way (like Maximus). Walton Goggins, on the other hand, is excellent. Once the story starts to unfold after those initial episodes, things start to get interesting on a less superficial (pun not intended) level, too. I'm happy to know that another season is in the works. Potentially the first show/movie based on a game franchise that I can really enjoy (although I have yet to watch The Last Of Us).

I'm not sure how appealing the Fallout-world really is to the broader mainstream audience but I guess the red scare / nuclear holocaust themes are striking a nerve these days. Maybe that specific combination with retro-scifi, fantasy and dark humor does too. The timing could be just right for this.
« Last Edit: 04. May 2024, 09:54:50 by fox »

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