🔒 📌 📱 SS2Tool v6.1

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SS2Tool is a patcher/updater for System Shock 2. Before you can use it, you need to Install System Shock 2 on Windows, Mac or Linux. Then SS2Tool can be used to fix a broken SS2 game and to regularly keep your game up to date.

SS2Tool includes the latest New Dark version, a lot of checks and fixes written especially for System Shock 2, as well as Blue Mod Manager to manage game modifications and Shocked Basic Toolkit to create your own mods and missions.

System requirements
  • Windows Vista or above is required. If you're on Windows XP please copy the complete game folder to a machine running Vista at least. Run SS2Tool there, then copy the game back to the XP machine.
  • Internet access required: SS2Tool compares and syncs your game with a master version that is maintained here on the systemshock.org server. It uses Rsync for this comparison and therefore both - SS2Tool and Rsync - will need to be allowed in your firewall when the request pops up.

How to install SS2Tool
  • Drop SS2Tool into your game folder and start it there.
  • Run it regularly in Update mode.
  • SS2Tool may fail to complete if the network connection breaks off. In this case simply run it again.

Game modifications
Lost at which mods to use? Check the Newbie Modding Guide.

If you need help, please post the contents of ss2tool.log from your game folder on the Helpdesk board.
Version removes a bug with spaces in the game path and corrects some URLs from beta to official threads.
- Backups are now incremental (in dated folders in SS2ToolSyncBackup)
- Better client performance due to less requests
- Better server performance due to bandwidth limit
- Better separation of clean vs. update mode in the GUI

All of these refer to changes in the SS2Tool application. No game updates.
I have updated the master server to the latest New Dark version 2.44 which is already being discussed here and on TTLG. You can sync it down with SS2Tool now. Due to some changes in New Dark's configuration files the "Clean Install" option is recommended.

Incidentally I also updated the SS2Tool application today. The biggest change in version is that Rsync is now being run from the game folder instead of the system's temp folder. Plus a bunch of minor fixes to descriptions, the times of backup folders, log file contents.
- fixed the problem where SS2Tool did not run successfully when placed outside the game folder
- additional option in "safe mode" installs static linked lgvid.dll to fix persistent video problems in the game
- SS2Tool notices when it is run on a lower Windows version than Vista, explains how to proceed then quits.
- fixed a bug where the blending of explosions was not enabled correctly
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