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Topic: Clockwork Revolution (upcoming game) Read 1090 times  

I've just found out about an upcoming game, called 'Clockwork Revolution'. It looks great, rather like Bioshock: Infinite. And by 'rather', I mean: "It looks like Bioshock: Infinite would look, if a different team of people had made B:I but with the same design documents".

Hopefully, it will have the amazing graphics and atmosphere of B:I, but unlike B:I will have gameplay that's actually worthy of the setting. And a story that doesn't go bad. And no weapon carrying limit. And the ability to save and load anywhere (I didn't really mind that features absence so much, but many other did). Basically, don't do what Irrational Games did, when they decided to rip out so many of the promising things in the pre-release trailers and instead gave us a bland first person shooter that should have been one of the best games of all time.

Here's the trailer for Clockwork Revolution:


and here's a comparison of the trailer for Clockwork Revolution, and the released version of Bioshock: Infinite:



Knew about this but totally forgotten it, definitely looking forward to it, let's hope t comes to GOG.
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