SS2 Christine FM1: Ponterbee Station V5

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My friend and I just played coop throughout your entire campaign and were surpised by the talent but into this one. After just finishing System Shock 2 for the first time we didn't expect much from a FM but this really surpised us. So thanks for all the work Christine that you and your voice actors put into this one it helped us kill time this summer. Thanks again!

Also if anyone could suggest any equally amazing FMs I'd like to hear it right now working on the Return to the UNN
Well... I downloaded that FM juste two days ago and whew ! Impressed ^^ Never imagined to find that. It's very cleverly designed, the levels are well done, and overall, it's juste nice et so on ^^ Just not as intense as was SS2, far too many ammo and stuff around, but it might as well be only my point of view  :bluegrin: Really liked the mall, and in some aspects, some things were more detailled all around the station than was the Von Braun =) Can't wait to swith to the Nigthwalker  :thumbwink:

But i'm stuck ! It's that acces code to the Shuttle Bay... i've been roaming all around the station to find something, Unloading quatities of shotguns just to keep a pace to shoot at those respawning creatures  :bluegrin: Please, help ^^
Hi Eawyne, AudioCra-Z explained this here. (Mark the spoilered blue text with the mouse pointer.)
Oh god ^^ The corpse was just hidden in the larvas  :bluegrin: Thanks a lot  ;)
Cap. John MatrixQuote
This PS seemed very very dark to me, I can't see anything in there. Well, I have only started the game e received the "Welcome" from Shodan; could the game to be more visible after the entrance?

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