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Topic: SS2 Audio Logs (SPOILERS)
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This is an amazing resource. Thanks Kolya.
hi ... terrific work

the link you pointed at starting post: "The Many's messages", are broken


i wanto to do a spanish audio translation, so i downloaded some files from audiolog to my website (netgamer.cl) to make a web application, i hope you dont get angry
That doesn't matter much since the Many's messages have meanwhile been integrated with the Unified Audio Logs page.
I have therefore removed that obsolete link.

Regarding downloading files: I'm not angry as long as it's just a few files. But if you want to have all of them, please consider extracting them from the game as we did ourselves. As a bonus they'll be in better quality, because we compressed the hell out of them for use on the web.

i believe you missed these two audio logs

Code: [Select]
in level01.str:

LogName24:"TRAINER 02.06.11\nre: Test message\n"
LogText24:"This message is coming from the audio log you just picked up.  You can use your PDA at any time to play any audio-log or e-mail you've received.  In the field, the PDA is also used for keeping track of your current mission objectives and obtaining help information.\n"

in level05.str:

EmailName12:"A. BANANAS 12.JUL.14\nre: Join us?\n"
EmailText12:"Things are going according to plan.  We've managed to turn the Many against SHODAN, and you've been stupid enough to stick your neck out for that overbearing uber-computer.  Why not join us?  While you've been stockpiling ammo, med hypos and hi tech gadgets, we've collected every last piece of nuts, bananas and coconuts onboard.  Just say the word, and you'll get plenty to eat, an attractive hirsute companion, and a tire swing of your own.  In the end, isn't that what really matters?\n"

thanks, i would really love to start organizing a spanish audio dubbing, after all we all are a ss2 fan community and i am ready to help in any way i can though .. i thought the files i downloaded as a backup, i searched a lot of additional content too .. you can have a look at my site, tell people you think may get interested


estoy tratando de organizar un doblaje al español de los dialogos de ss2, tengo un foro y algo de material para empezar (incluyendo los audiologs de aca), los interesados por favor revisen el foro de www.netgamer.cl y contactenme
« Last Edit: 30. September 2012, 22:39:09 by AT-HE »


Just a note: there is now a audiolog page with the spanish texts: https://www.systemshock.org/shocklogs/indexSPA.html
No dubbed audio yet, but it's in the workes.


Re: SS2 Audio Logs (SPOILERS): czech translation help
I've almost finished the Czech,Italian and Polish audio log pages, but some texts are still missing.
It would be nice if someone could help me by translating them.

« Last Edit: 10. January 2014, 21:12:36 by unn_atropos »


I could do it, but my czech grammar is pretty worthless. if you won't find anyone else, let me know, and I'll take care of it somehow (probably translate and let someone from cz check the grammar).

//quickly looking through the texts, "Loesserovaovaovaova" should be just "Loesserova".

and man, even those texts I've fixed feel far from smooth. well, at least I've succeeded in removing all the crazy poopy stuff.
« Last Edit: 17. December 2013, 16:39:34 by voodoo47 »


//quickly looking through the texts, "Loesserovaovaovaova" should be just "Loesserova".
Fixed that, thanks.

I wondered if that is correct:
Pokud to pujde, nechodte do Nakupniho Strediska. Smrdi to tam pruserem.
When I put that into google translate it says:
If possible, do not go to the mall. It stinks of shit.



the correct translation from CZ would be "it reeks of trouble". not sure whether that is close enough to "it crawls".

the problem with the orig text is that it contains a lot of phrases that are really hard to translate, even if you understand them. the original cz text was full of awful translations, where the person who was translating had no idea what the phrase meant, so he just translated it word by word, sometimes making things incomprehensible, sometimes even reversing the meaning completely.

example - throwing a monkey wrench does not mean that you literally throw a wrench that was previously owned by an ape at somebody. it means you want to sabotage whatever the person was trying to accomplish. unloading both barrels into someone's stomach does not mean cleaning his pipes, it means killing with a shotgun. etc, etc.
« Last Edit: 13. January 2023, 13:42:40 by voodoo47 »
However "It crawls!" is not an idiom here. Cortez is referring to the mall as crawling with annelids.

At least that's what I always understood. Now I'm not sure anymore.  O_o


well, he is certainly not referring to the mall itself, as malls, as far as I know, do not tend to crawl. therefore, it probably means something like "watch your back", "bad sh!t going down" etc - but I have to say that I don't know for sure in this particular case. we need a native speaker here.


Okay, polish audiolog page is here. Like with czech and italian version, some texts are still missing.
Text here: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=24.msg64672#msg64672

Google translate says that"Moi szarzy frajerzy" means "My gray suckers"  :paranoid: :D


Google translate says that"Moi szarzy frajerzy" means "My gray suckers"  :paranoid: :D
That's what it means.

I've glimpsed through those logs. Just so you know, they all look like literal translation "word-for-word", with no understanding of semantics or idioms, completely changing the meaning of the original. Even if some of the sentences happen to be more or less accurate, they have horrible grammar.


Hi everyone! I've been following TTLG forums and the System Shock scene in general since 2002 and I really want to thank you all for mantaining such a great community around the best games of all time! I've always enjoyed all the work you have done to make them better and better over time!

Ok, I registered to give a small contribution: here I attach the italian translation for the missing texts of the audiolog pages; please note that I strayed a bit here and there from the original text because a word by word translation would have been inappropriate; also I want to point out that there are many errors in the translations already on the page, please let me know if and how may I help to correct them! Thank you  :thumb:!

[please_translate_ita.txt expired]
« Last Edit: 11. January 2014, 21:05:46 by franz4ever »


Thanks for that. I will put the texts in as soon as I have time.

Would you like to work on a overhaul for the italian version? All files can be found here
There would be a doubled benefit: a good translation of the game and a better audiolog page


It will be a great honour and pleasure for me! I'll work on it as everyday life permits it! Just some things to get it right:

+ Can I edit the *.STR files in notepad and treat them like *.TXT or should I use a more advanced editor (eg. UltraEdit)?

+ Will there be problems if I save the files directly in *.STR or should I rename them to *.TXT, edit and finally rename them back?

Also I wanted to ask if I can go "The German and French way"... what I mean is that in the German and French translations

SHODAN as Polito addresses the player as "Sie / Vous" giving it some sort of importance and suggesting that the player
doesn't know her... but when and after she reveals herself to the player, she starts to use "Du / Tu"...

I think this kind of writing is very important and meaningful to the player's feelings... actually I don't know how to explain myself, but I felt it very strongly the first time I played the game (I played the German version first)...

I think Kolya and unn_atropos, who I suppose are German, understand what I mean... I'd like to go the same way for the Italian transaltion, since it is possible (while it wasn't possible in the original English version)... maybe I'm a bit too pedantic  :headshot:

Sorry for the long post!
You should use an advanced editor because notepad won't preserve the linebreaks. I use Notepad++ usually, UltraEdit may also work.
I suggest you use the English strings from a fresh install with SS2Tool applied (so the official patch is included).
After opening the file set "OEM 850" as the character set (in Notepad++: Main-Menu->Encoding->Character Sets->Western European->OEM 850). All special characters should show up correctly now in the editor and also later in the game. Test this.
I would save changes directly to the STR file.

I also support the idea of using a formal pronoun ("Lei") in the first part of the game and switching to "tu" after the reveal.
Also, if you ever need to edit the original font files, you can ask for help here. I had to do it for the improved german translation and it's not exactly straightforward (for DromEd beginners).


you mean like being able to use special characters? yeah, a guide would be useful.


Thanks Kolya for your precious information and suggestions!
I'll go with Notepad++ and I'll use the formal / informal pronouns;

Thank you Marvin for offering your help!

I'll post my progress here https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=1593.0
...if it's ok to you... I don't think a new topic is required!


Hi Marvin, I think it's time for me to ask for your help! Progression is going well, but I'm having some fonts relatd problems:

the Italian language has not many special characters and I only need the following: è ò à ù
no problems with è à and ù, they're showing correctly in-game, but I'm getting a big capital ò... what should I do?

As per Kolya's suggestions, I'm directly editing the .str files of a SSTool 5.1 patched, fresh from cd installed SS2 with Notepad++

Thank you!


For the sake of convenience, I would recommend adding a shortcut for switching to the desired codepage.
In Notepad++ go to the menu 'Macros' and then 'Change Shortcuts/Delete Makros'.
Then specify a shortcut/key-combo as seen here.
Note that you need to push that key-combo whenever you open any of those .str files for editing again,
otherwise special characters will look garbled in Notepad++ and any further changes would use the wrong codepage.
Image: http://www.gnartsch.de/Thief-FM/beta/EditBooks/Notepad++2.jpg

I think Kolya and unn_atropos, who I suppose are German, understand what I mean... I'd like to go the same way for the Italian transaltion, since it is possible (while it wasn't possible in the original English version)... maybe I'm a bit too pedantic
No need to feel 'pedantic'. You are on the right track doing that sort of change since it sounds absolutely correct.
« Last Edit: 15. January 2014, 19:14:19 by gnartsch »


Hi gnartsch and thank you for your support!

I'm always selecting the OEM850 before editing anything, the problem is not Notepad++ (the special characters are ok there)
the problem is that the ò is not displaying correctly in-game... I get it, but as a capital letter (even at the end of a word)...

...tried many things but I don't know what I'm doing wrong :(

Also, i removed many blank spaces (mainly after the full stops) which I tought were errors, but then I realized they were
there on purpose... still removing them didn't break anything (at the moment...) should I restore them?

I'm still going on with the translation hoping there won't be anymore "hiccups"  ;)

66edf3dfe1688Yankee Clipper

When I play the 2 messages from Malone (in game), the picture that displays is the one that is labeled as McKay on the Audio Logs page here. I haven't got to McKay on this playthrough, so I'm not sure which picture is associated with him in the game yet.

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