🔒 📌 SS2Tool v6.1

5 Guests are here.
Improved install mode suggestion: If any DMLs are found in the game root, a clean install is suggested (which has been renamed to "Perfect Mode"). A file flag is written when Perfect Mode has been used before, suggesting to use Update Mode in future. Explanations of these modes have been expanded.

The previous SS2Tool-v. was downloaded 13872 times.
I updated the files on the master server with NewDark 2.45. Please run SS2Tool in update mode to get this latest patch.

EDIT: I accidentally overwrote one of voodoo's fixes (gamesys.dml inside patch_ext.crf) last night with the version from New Dark that doesn't have that fix applied. This has been fixed now. Also a config file for the editor (dromed.cfg) has it's changes from Shocked Basic Toolkit reapplied now. Unrelated to these blunders I have enabled full crash dumps in lg.ini to allow for easier debugging.
Please run SS2Tool update mode again if you did so in the last 10 hours.
Steam users: An update for System Shock 2 (NewDark v2.45) was distributed through Steam's update system. SS2Tool already provides this update plus many other fixes. Steam will overwrite it anyhow, resetting your game's configuration, your activated mods and deleting those fixes unique to SS2Tool.

Since Steam updates cannot be disabled it is recommended to move the game folder out of Steam's way (as detailed in the first post) and running SS2Tool again.
This release fixes an issue where running SS2Tool in Perfect Mode after installing fan missions could break these fan missions (not that perfect).
If Microsoft Visual C++2008 is missing on the host system SS2Tool will now use the installer provided in Steam installs (_CommonRedist).
The last version of SS2Tool was downloaded 7672 times. As you may have noticed we jumped a version because work on had already begun when the aforementioned issue popped up.
- Adds an option to let the game's autosave feature store its saves in slot 13 instead of the special "Current" slot where they get easily overwritten, eg by loading any save game. In Perfect mode this option is automatically selected. In Update mode it is optional, like all options in Update mode, so you will have to specifically select it.
- Option to enable subtitles (all but nonverbal). Optional feature. Thanks to ZB for styling subtitles and additional work on the font etc.
- If SS2Tool detects that Perfect mode was never used before, this selection is now enforced (Update mode is unavailable) as using Update mode on an imperfect game causes problems.
- The popup at the start asking for network access is only displayed once.
- Final page with option to start the mod manager added.

The last version was downloaded 7133 times.

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