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If there would a good OCR software available it could be quite easy to get the chat as a text file.

Quote by Marvin:
So, does a transcription exist or not? I had to switch off at about 3 pm PT and it seems half of the interesting tidbits came from the chat.

There was at least three legendary devs interacting in the chat. I was oblivious for some time  O_o Though it's partly because I was trying to focus more on the vocal chat and gameplay.
Historically I've had good results from gocr for automatic transcription of digital text; it's trainable, so you can start it from nothing and train it to recognize the particular font you're using perfectly, as long as there are no compression artefacts or the like interfering. It does require some preprocessing, since it only supports black text on a white background, but this is easy to automate with imagemagick.
Ok folks.  Looks like we are going to start the stream back up again on Sunday.  Same bat time, same bat channel.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Kolya, voodoo47
Splendid. Feels good to see all the love SS1 is getting right now. :)

BTW, if there is any way for you as the Twitch channel operator to save the chatlog next time, that'd be great.

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