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Topic: .DML Modding Help and Questions Read 872 times  

I am very new at .dml editing and creating, but I have 2 questions.

Question 1. How do I increase turret rotation speed, and is there a maximum speed, my attempts have been unproductive.

Property "AI: AI Core: Movement: turn rate"
   Turrets (-368): 900.00
} // 1 object(s)

I think the standard value is 90, but no matter what numbers I use, it seems either I have reached a limit of speed or I am doing it completely wrong.

Question 2.  Is there and easy way using .dml to either increase fire rate or damage.
My intention is to make turrets much more of a threat, to myself and to other creatures, after they have been hacked.

I have reloaded this mod from a long time ago.  I am not sure if I downloaded it or just copied and pasted information from other mods, but it is not functioning as intended.

Hope it is ok to post it all here:


// Object Hierarchy Export of object "Turrets (-368)" and descendants

Property "Obj: Required Tech Skill"
   Turrets (-368): { 4; 0; 0; 0; 0}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Shape: Model Name"
   Blast Turret (-167): tu_f
   Laser Turret (-168): tu_l
   Slug Turret (-369): tu_s
   Rick Turret (-4646): rickgun
} // 4 object(s)

Property "Position"
   Laser Turret (-168): { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0; 0; 0; -1; -1}
   Turrets (-368): { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0; 0; 0; -1; -1}
   Slug Turret (-369): { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0; 0; 0; -1; -1}
} // 3 object(s)

Property "Scripts"
   Turrets (-368): { turret; ; ; ; FALSE}
   Rick Turret (-4646): { turret; cameradeath; ; ; FALSE}
} // 2 object(s)

Property "Game: Damage Model: Hit Points"
   Turrets (-368): 900
   Slug Turret (-369): 900
   Rick Turret (-4646): 900
} // 3 object(s)

Property "Game: Damage Model: Max Hit Points"
   Turrets (-368): 900
   Slug Turret (-369): 900
   Rick Turret (-4646): 900
} // 3 object(s)

Property "Physics: Model: Type"
   Turrets (-368): { Sphere; 1; FALSE; FALSE}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Tweq: Models"
   Rick Turret (-4646): { Stop Tweq; [None]; [None]; [None]; 0; rickgu_d; ; ; ; ; }
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Tweq: ModelsState"
   Rick Turret (-4646): { [None]; [None]; 0; 0}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "GameSys: HackDiff"
   Blast Turret (-167): { -40; 10; 35.00}
   Turrets (-368): { 0; 10; 35.00}
} // 2 object(s)

Property "GameSys: Hack Text"
   Turrets (-368): TurretHack: "Hack to make turret shoot your foes."
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: Loot"
   Blast Turret (-167): { 1; Portable Battery; 100; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0}
   Laser Turret (-168): { 1; Portable Battery; 100; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0}
   Slug Turret (-369): { 1; Small Standard Clip; 50; Standard Clip; 50; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0}
   Rick Turret (-4646): { 1; Portable Battery; 50; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 0; ; 50}
} // 4 object(s)

Property "AI: Borg Loot"
   Turrets (-368): cheeseborger
} // 1 object(s)

Property "GameSys: Armor"
   Laser Turret (-168): { 30.00; 30.00; 30.00}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Psi: Radar Type"
   Turrets (-368): None
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Psi: NotPullable"
   Turrets (-368): TRUE
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: AI Core: AI"
   Turrets (-368): turret
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: AI Core: Movement: turn rate"
   Turrets (-368): 900.00
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: AI Core: No Multiplayer Ghost"
   Turrets (-368): TRUE
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: AI Core: Vision description"
   Turrets (-368): { 0.00; Active; 360; 360; 100; 1500; No alert 2, No alert 3, Night vision; 50; 100; 5; 1500; No alert 2, No alert 3; 170; 170; 5; 1500; No alert 0; 60; 90; 10; 200; No alert 0, No alert 1, Omni; 320; 90; 6; 70; [None]; 120; 90; 22; 120; [None]; 150; 70; 35; 80; Peripheral; 230; 70; 60; 60; Peripheral; 230; 110; 80; 40; [None]; 0; 0; 0; 0}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: AI Core: Vision Type"
   Turrets (-368): 1
} // 1 object(s)

Property "AI: Ability Settings: Device: parameters"
   Turrets (-368): { 0; 0.00; 2.00; 0.10; 1; 0.04; FALSE}
   Rick Turret (-4646): { -1; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0; 0.04; FALSE}
} // 2 object(s)

Property "AI: Ability Settings: Turret: parameters"
   Blast Turret (-167): { 0.10; 3000; 45.00; 100.00}
   Laser Turret (-168): { 0.10; 3000; 45.00; 100.00}
   Turrets (-368): { 0.10; 0; 3000.00; 100.00}
   Slug Turret (-369): { 0.10; 0; 3000.00; 100.00}
   Rick Turret (-4646): { 0.10; 3000; 45.00; 100.00}
} // 5 object(s)

Property "AI: Attributes: Hearing"
   Turrets (-368): Null
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Physics: Model: Attributes"
   Turrets (-368): { 0.00; 100000.00; 1.00; 1.00; 0.00; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; X Axis, Y Axis, Z Axis; +X Axis, +Y Axis, +Z Axis, -X Axis, -Y Axis, -Z Axis}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Physics: Model: Controls"
   Turrets (-368): { Location, Rotation; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Physics: Model: Dimensions"
   Turrets (-368): { 1.90; 0.00; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; FALSE; FALSE}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Shape: Joint Positions"
   Turrets (-368): { 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00; 0.00}
} // 1 object(s)

Property "Schema: Class Tags"
   Turrets (-368): CreatureType Turret
   Rick Turret (-4646): CreatureType RickTurret
} // 2 object(s)

Property "Schema: Material Tags"
   Turrets (-368): Material MetalTarget
} // 1 object(s)

MetaProperty "MatMetal (-583)"
   Turrets (-368)
} // 1 object(s)

MetaProperty "Mechanical Vulnerability (-1052)"
   Turrets (-368)
} // 1 object(s)

MetaProperty "ElectroDamp Vulnerability (-3445)"
   Turrets (-368)
} // 1 object(s)

Link "Corpse"
   Blast Turret (-167):
      Blast Turret Corpse (-1421)
      Blast Turret Top (-1422)
      HE Explosion (-3933)
   } // 3 link(s)

   Laser Turret (-168):
      Laser Turret Corpse (-1419)
      Laser Turret Top (-1420)
      ExplosionDebris (-1954)
      HE Explosion (-3933)
   } // 4 link(s)

   Slug Turret (-369):
      Slug Turret Corpse (-380)
      HE Explosion (-3933)
   } // 2 link(s)
} // 3 object(s)

Link "GunFlash"
   Blast Turret (-167):
      Grenade Casings (-4438): { 1; Projectile Flash}
   } // 1 link(s)

   Slug Turret (-369):
      Turret Casings (-74): { 1; Projectile Flash}
      Slug Flash (-371): { 0; [None]}
   } // 2 link(s)
} // 2 object(s)

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

To clarify I would just need help in creating a simple small .dml file to increase Turret Rotation Speed, Damage, or fire rate.


Code: [Select]

// AI->AI Core->Movement: turn rate
ObjProp "Turrets" "AI_TurnRate"
"" 45.00
this is how a dml that will edit an existing prop on an archetype looks like.
Thank you for the quick reply and precise answer.
Much appreciated.


sure. also, there is a bunch of guides over here you know.
Thanks for your kindness and understanding.

My current medical condition has significantly lowered my ability to absorb and process information.
I tried using the tools to change a few things and have read the guides and seen some of the awesome tutorial videos, but that was more than 20 years ago and I honestly do not remember anything from so long ago.

Ack, sorry to ramble, just meant to say thanks for the assist.


we are known for many things over here - kindness is usually not among them, but sure.
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