SS2 Four Hundred (400)

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Wow, okay. I'm going to think "aloud", anyone corrects me if I'm wrong because I'm a noob when it comes to SS2 modding.
Try to get back to your previous settings (if you already did, skip this part), that would be:
1. Move "res" back to "Data"
2. Move the CRF files to the main Shock2 directory
3. If you backed up install.cfg, it's easy (restore it); if you didn't, I guess you could just set "resname_base" to "c:\program files\SShock2" (or wherever shock2.exe is)

This way I'm pretty sure Shock2 will start. However, I'm not sure your mods will, start Shock2 to see if it works like it did before or not (if it does, then I expect the "data" directory to be specified in "cam_mod.ini", so everything should be fine, go to "now it works").

It doesn't work:
1. Your data folder was linked inside "install.cfg". Using "resname_base c:\program files\SShock2+c:\program files\SShock2\Data" should make it work again.

Now it works:
1. Create a new directory, for instance "hello".
2. Copy the "fam" directory from Four Hundred inside "hello" so you get "c:\program files\SShock2\hello\fam".
3. Edit "Install.Cfg", find the line starting with "resname_base" and add "+c:\program files\SShock2\hello" at the end of the line. Save and try again.

I hope it works.
Works fine if you simply unpack the archive to the "DataPermanentMods" folder. Like every other mod.
Well I just put the res folder back into Data, and used a copy of my bro's install.cfg file to overwrite my old one.  Game's working again.
This is amazing!
I like the fact that everytime I surf to sbf there is something to make System Shock 2 a bit better, more interesting and shinier :thumb:

Quote by Kolya:
Works fine if you simply unpack the archive to the "DataPermanentMods" folder. Like every other mod.
Thanks, I wish I knew about that before...

(updated, WIP)

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