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Topic: SS2 Objectives and Walkthroughs (SPOILERS) Read 110785 times  

Tags: °SS2 °walkthrough
These are the objectives for SS2 per level, a lot of them including the solution. The information was provided by Hemebond.
This guide isn't complete yet. Feel free to contribute if you want to.
Otherwise below this post you will find links to several fine full walkthroughs.

  • Get through a secure airlock.
  • Recharge the power cell and use it to open the door to Medical.
  • Get a Crew card from Grassi. He's near Biopsy in Medical.
  • Find Dr. Watts' room in the Crew sector.
  • Look for Dr. Watts in his office in R&D
  • Get the maintenance access shaft code from Dr. Watts.
  • The code for the maintenance access shaft is 12451.
  • Get to Deck 4 to meet Dr. Polito.
  • The code to the Armory is 98383.

  • Supplies are in utility storage 4, code: 59004.
  • The code for Engineering Control is in Cargo Bay 2.
  • The code for Engineering Control is 15061.
  • Find a way to override the Fluidics Computer.
  • Get unit 45m/dEx from aux. storage 5, code: 34760.
  • Install unit 45m/dEx in Command Control.
  • Use Fluidics Computer in Eng. Control to purge the tubes.
  • Purge radiation from coolant tubes to re-open Engine Core.
  • Reset Starboard Engine Nacelle.
  • Reset Port Engine Nacelle.
  • Reset Main Power Computer.
  • Reset Main Power at the Engine Core to restart elevators.
  • Get to Deck 4 to meet Dr. Polito.
  • Set the Engine Core to overload, code: 94834.

  • Find and Research Toxin-A.
  • Place Toxin-A in all 4 Environmental Regulators.
  • Clear the biomaterial from the elevator shaft.
  • Get to Deck 4 to meet Dr. Polito.

  • Weapons lockup code is 13433.
  • Reprogram the three Sim Units.
  • Malick has booby-trapped Sim Unit 3.
  • Go to the Recreation Deck
  • Go to the Command Deck.
  • Find the passcode for the MedSci2 sub armory.
  • Create a data access channel from the Command Center.
  • Go to the Engine Core on the Engineering Deck.

  • An exotic weapon is on level 2 of the crew annex, code 11111.
  • The code for the garden maintenance tunnel is 34093.
  • A circuit breaker for the basketball court lights is near the pool.
  • Activate transmitter with code hidden in art terminals.
  • Find the transmitter and activate it. The code from the art terminals is: [1,4,10,6]. (Thanks to Midnite Ryu.)
  • Return to the Ops Deck.
  • Go to the Command Deck.

  • Find the Ops Override access card.
  • Go to the Command Center on the Ops Deck.
  • Meet Dr. Delacroix in cargo bay A.
  • The code for the security station is 83273.
  • The Shuttle card is in the security station in the officer's quarters.
  • Deactivate the shields around the shuttles from the control chamber.
  • Once the shields are down, destroy the shuttles.
  • Hack the shuttle control rep. to get a sympathetic resonator.
  • Attach the sympathetic resonator to the Shield Generator... and run!
  • Destroy the shuttles on this deck.
  • Go to the Rickenbacker via the central tram station.

Rickenbacker Deck A

Rickenbacker Deck A

Rickenbacker Deck A


Where am I
« Last Edit: 15. May 2011, 12:24:38 by Kolya »


SS 2 Gamespot Game Guide
Gamespot, http://www.gamespot.com/ published this guide sometime in 1999 shortly after SS2's release. It is/was one of the only professionally produced guides to SS2.
« Last Edit: 26. July 2013, 06:53:39 by Kolya »
Re: System Shock 2 Gamespot Game Guide
Sweet! A comprehensive guide with tips on survival, weapons, psi powers, items, career training plus a full walkthrough and some cheatcodes. Good find.  :thumbwink:
More Walkthroughs...
This is a useful one: A walkthrough with screenshots.

Here are some helpful hints on universal hint system.

Walkthrough by Gray on sshock2.com

TheNightTerror's Melee Weapon Only Walkthrough (as announced on ttlg.com).
TNT being one of the few having beaten System Shock 2 many times this way will give you insights into her crazy techniques, explain a lot of the oddities that make SS2 such a great game and you a shivering wreck in a corner.
She and her companion Enchantermon added a lot of pictures and humour making this walkthrough a very worthwile read for the experienced SS2-player. Here you go straight into the SS2-melee-action.

Here's an old CNET walkthrough found by System in the wayback machine.
« Last Edit: 17. September 2014, 19:59:31 by Kolya »

66edf3b1840faMidnite Ryu

Also For Recreation,

 If Your having trouble either finding the code in the art terminals or piecing it together the code is: 14106.


Hi, I've always been wondering where I can find the code for the armory in Med deck. I find the Data CD with someone telling that Bronson changed the code and that now she has to go up to Deck 4 in order to retrieve the code. But I always end the game without finding anything in Deck 4 which could provide me the code. Is there a Bronson Audio log containing it? If yes, I have never found it.
Hi, I've always been wondering where I can find the code for the armory in Med deck. I find the Data CD with someone telling that Bronson changed the code and that now she has to go up to Deck 4 in order to retrieve the code. But I always end the game without finding anything in Deck 4 which could provide me the code. Is there a Bronson Audio log containing it? If yes, I have never found it.
It's very well hidden near her corpse on Operations. SecMod thankfully moved it to a harder to overlook spot.


Understood, I will go and look for it then :) I've been playing Deck 4 just yesterday :) Thanks to all these graphical mods this game is now living a new life!


Specifics for the terminal codes:
  • 1st piece of the code is located by the receptiondesk at the beginning (10).
  • 2nd piece of the code is in the poolroom in the Dining/Mess Section. ([1).
  • Head to the Crew Sector, 3rd piece of the code (6]) is on the upper floor in the third room on the north side.
  • 4th and final piece of the code can be found in the Mall Section in the Galleria on the top floor next to a vending machine (4).


UNN Rickenbacker
  • Find and destroy 16 black eggs on Deck A/Pod 1.
  • Use both control rooms by the Meson coil accident to extend the support struts and reach the access card to Nacelle B.
  • Reverse the gravity of Pod 2 at Nacelle B.
  • The door to Pod 2 will be locked until all eggs are destroyed and the gravity is reversed.
  • Head into Pod 2/Deck B and look for Captain Diego in the sick bay.
  • Access the Bridge
  • Use the Escape pods near the Bridge

Body of the Many
  • In the first section. Find two nerveclusters and destroy them. This will open the closed flesh doorway leading forward. The First nervecluster (Blue) is located down a path to a pocket of water from the first big corridor.
  • The second Nevcluster (red) is located past the radiated water tunnels down a path from the second big hallway.
  • Second section - large grinding room. Make your way to the top and destroy the Nervecluster there. This will open the path in the lower room.
  • Find a way to destroy The Many.

Where am I?
  • Navigate through SHODANs memories/pocket of reality. Find a way to destroy her.

Hi, I've always been wondering where I can find the code for the armory in Med deck. I find the Data CD with someone telling that Bronson changed the code and that now she has to go up to Deck 4 in order to retrieve the code. But I always end the game without finding anything in Deck 4 which could provide me the code. Is there a Bronson Audio log containing it? If yes, I have never found it.
It is located in Command center/Security section, head into bulkhead 43 and past the barracks. Lower levels in an office on the floor behind a desk.
« Last Edit: 22. September 2022, 21:15:39 by Moderator »
Uh, 14 years have passed since they asked that question.


and we'll be here should he return for that answer in 14 more years.

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