SS2 Inventory Fumbler (SCP Minimod)

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System Shock 2 - Inventory Fumbler (SCP Minimod) v1.00
by RoSoDude

This mod introduces new and old inventory micromanagement annoyances to System Shock 2:
-Hybrid Shotguns must be manually unloaded of their single slug round as in vanilla
-Recharging stations only charge items dragged one at a time from the inventory (frob distance is increased to accommodate)
-Med Bed keys, ICE picks, Auto-Repair Units, and French-Epstein Devices no longer stack in the inventory
-Game cartridges must be dragged onto the MFD game player to install them

Requires SCP Beta 4 (and hopefully supports future versions), install above it in Blue Mod Manager. Compatible with Rebalanced Skills and Disciplines 1.08, which re-enables device stacking if the player acquires the Pack Rat O/S Upgrade.
Frobbing 😏
Nice work as usual. I am quite interested in this in concept, however the idea of all the hybrid shotguns floating around again because I want that one round from downed hybrids is also immersion breaking. Perhaps a version that does all of the above, minus manually unloading of the single slug would be good? I mean you still have to bring up the inventory screen to get the thing.
You're basically asking for a mod that was created to be annoying to be less annoying. That's like someone asking for a mod that was created to be ugly to be less ugly.

Quote by goosefromtopgun:
Nice work as usual. I am quite interested in this in concept, however the idea of all the hybrid shotguns floating around again because I want that one round from downed hybrids is also immersion breaking. Perhaps a version that does all of the above, minus manually unloading of the single slug would be good? I mean you still have to bring up the inventory screen to get the thing.

It's straightforward to remove any feature you don't like. Just go into DMM\SCP-Inventory-Fumbler_X.XX\shockscp.gam.dml and remove or comment out (syntax // for an individual line or /* [...] */ for a block comment) the parts you don't want. In this case, just remove the following code block:

////Forces the player to manually loot Hybrid Shotguns again
//Add one slug back to Hybrid Shotguns
+ObjProp -4073 "GunState" //Hybrid_Shotgun
    "Ammo" 1
//Remove "NVGuaranteedLoot0="OneRifledSlug";" from OG-Shotgun
+ObjProp -175 ObjList = "NVRelayTrap2On="BeginScript"; NVRelayTrap2Off="Null"; NVRelayTrap2TDest="[Me]"; NVRelayTrap2TOn="Init"; NVRelayTrap2OnDelay=500; NVRelayTrap2TCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkOn="Init"; NVCreateAndLinkCount=1; NVCreateAndLinkCreate="og-shot flash"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkType="~DetailAttachement"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData1Value="2"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Field="vhot/sub #"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData2Value="0"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData3Field="joint"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData3Value="12"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData4Field="rel pos"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData4Value="0, -1.5, 0"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData5Field="rel rot"; NVCreateAndLinkLinkData5Value="270"; NVCreateAndLink2On="Init"; NVCreateAndLink2Count=1; NVCreateAndLink2Create="og-shot eject"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkType="~DetailAttachement"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData1Field="Type"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData1Value="2"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData2Field="vhot/sub #"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData2Value="0"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData3Field="joint"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData3Value="10"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData4Field="rel pos"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData4Value="0, -1, 0"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData5Field="rel rot"; NVCreateAndLink2LinkData5Value="180"; NVRelayTrapTDest="&~DetailAttachement"; NVRelayTrapOn="EffectFire"; NVRelayTrapTOn="TurnOn";" //OG-Shotgun
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