SS2 Medsci2 rehackable forcefield with sound effects

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Tags: °dml °SS2

I've just realized that this can be done completely via dml, and without any custom SCP resources, so here goes, this hackjob minimod™ will add sound effects to the Medsci2 security closet forcefield, and will also allow you to re-enable the forcefield by hacking the logon console again - you can turn it off and on infinite amount of times. best loaded with a mod manager (priority shouldn't matter).

Note: will work with any medsci2 map, but you also need to either have a SS2Tool patched SS2 install.

also, this is not a serious (or very useful, for that matter) mod, just something I've came up with while working on SCP, and as I was able to make it work, it seemed like a waste to just throw it out of the window. so have fun spending your nanites.
It's nice to have some audio feedback for that hack. Although for a standalone mod the effect seems too small. Still interesting to see what's possible via DML.
Maybe voodoo47 can make a modpackage with everything he came up with but didn't made it into SCP
Could be called "voodoo47s tidbits which he wanted in SCP but ZylonBane said no"
not much to share at the moment, most of the stuff gets discarded before it's actually usable. also, I just want SCP to play nicely, and for that purpose, ZB's quality check is required, as I tend to take things a bit too far sometimes.
updated to autoload NVscript (requires SS2 v2.43). also, got 9 downloads up to this point, yaay.
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