SS2 GamePig Unleashed

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Quote by ZylonBane:
That would be ridiculous. The Von Braun is not a video arcade, and System Shock 2 is not Duke Nukem 3D.

It wouldn't be ridiculous, either from the point of view of story and atmosphere (since presumably even centuries in the future, then cafe/rest areas and bars might have some sort of game machines that the public can use (for a small cost), though it will presumably involve much more immersion than simplistic 2D games like Pacman and Donkey Kong*), or from the point of view of gameplay, as the player wouldn't have to play them if (s)he didn't want to. I'm not suggesting that you have to play them, and must attain a high score so that (for example) a door on the Von Braun will then open, a door that cannot be opened any other way. That would be ridiculous, as it would introduce a new gameplay style (Pacman, or whatever) to SS2, which wouldn't suit many players.

I'm not even saying anyone should make such a mod, as I really doubt that many people would play it, so it wouldn't be worth anyone taking the trouble to make it (games like Timesplitters 2 and Second Site have simplistic arcade style games built in, and I never bother them), I just think it would be really good to have the arcade machines available for play in SS2, and for the arcade machines to resemble 1980s stand-up arcade cabinets, as it would be a comforting point of familiarity, and would make the relaxation areas more convincing. Though after quickly playing on a couple of the games, then I doubt I'd ever use them again, but the cabinets would still, I think, be good for atmosphere, especially if they played the arcade music and had the rolling demos/attract modes.

* Unless in the future we all have either built in screens (built into our glasses, or our eyeballs, or spliced into our optic nerves) or some other sort of display that can be carried about easily but looks like a decent size (i.e. no mobile phones, but easier to carry than tablets), so that we just carry the games with us.
Having just a few of them on Recreation deck would not be that ridiculous as on other decks or BotM but the worthwhileness of the effort would require such a notorious fan as yourself to make it.
Sorry for hauling this thread out of the depths or so...

but wouldn't it be a nice feature for SCP No. 5 etc. to have the missing 5 Gamepig games (Ping, KaBacon, Abyss, Pig Stacker, and Burro Hog) put on cartridges as well & distributed throughout the Von Braun?👾

The "missing" games are unused for a reason: Because they're terrible.

But if you really want to play them in SCP, you can already do that. Just get your hacking up to 6 and hack the GamePig.
i've tested them now via cheat and i have to agree, they are terrible - with one exception: that tempest clone ''hog wallow'' is awesome, although its a bit too easy - keep circling & shooting seems to do the trick, but i haven't played much far..

i wish at least that one would come on cartridge one day in future scp version or so..

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