SS2 Czech Translation

2 Guests are here.
Does Czech need any characters not in the code page 850 character set? That's what Dark uses.
yes, and that means new font files will have to be created. was just about to ask whether someone could maybe post an idiot's guide to SS2 fonts - had a quick look at the thieffon tool, and I was able to create working fon files from already existing bmps, but not the other way around, the bmps (created from vanilla fon files) always come out garbled. this means if I had a bmp template I could just fill with the new characters, I could do it with ease.

//ok, I think I can just modify the existing bmp until it does what I want. anyway, pretty sure a proper guide would be useful sometime in the future.
[uuu.jpg expired]
Freakin' Czech alphabet. Circumflex wasn't good enough, they had to go with a caron.
yeah, slavic languages are very fond of adding weird crap to otherwise normal alphabet letters. anyway, hacking all the required stuff into the bmp provided by Chokboyz was easy enough, so now we have a CZ/SK mainaa and mainfont fonts, in a better-than-nothing™ quality - so technically, a CZ person could grab any string from the package, and start correcting right away (extract the font file to a FONTS folder in your CZ translation folder, and you can go ahead).

mainaa is needed for: traits, objname, level, hacktext, notes, objshort, objlooks, minigame, infocomp, all help, maptext, research, rsrchtxt, jargon, both shead, both modify, both sett, weapon.

mainfont for: hrm, misc, usemsg, huduse, lockmsg, invcursor, network.

blueaa for: chargen.
[traits_cz.jpg expired]
I don't suppose this would be useful.

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