SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]

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Note: The followup SecMod 3 is here.

Tags: °gamesys °mis °veteran °SS2

(As discussed on TTLG.)

Start a new game when you install this mod.
If you have Rebirth installed you can use the rebirth patch provided below, making sure the installation/activation takes place in this order:
1. Rebirth
2. Secmod
3. Secmod rebirth patch
Make sure to reconfigure your controls from the options menu and set keybindings for fast-throwing handgrenades and equipping the new weapons.

Short incomplete list of what's notably new

- Many new weapons, armours and items in general
- Increasing difficulty changes monster hitpoints/speeds, camera noises and detection delays, how long the security system is down on a hack, amount of critical nodes in hack/modify/repair minigames, research times, amount of chemicals needed in researching and more
- Significant boosts to Repair and Modify, nerfs to FEDs
- Many more inventory object combinations, most of which require the Tinker trait
- Real laser beams, different projectile/melee impact fx depending on target (including the player) or terrain surface, blood/goo splattering and other new effects, polished old effects
- Shotgun-wielding hybrids can break their shotguns dynamically instead of always having broken ones
- Setting enemies on fire with high-level pyrokinesis, flamethrower and incendiary explosions in general
- Melee attackers are better at actually hitting and putting pressure on the player, also if spiders can't reach you they may try to jump at you
- Security system more of a challenge: security panels need to be hacked to deactivate alarms, destroyed cameras will cause Xerxes to send in a few monsters but the cameras are hackable to circumvent that
- Re-evaluated and rebalanced older additions
- Stackable handgrenades and other throwables
- less crashing (save before bulkheads as always just in case though)

This mod IS NOT compatibile with any *.mis or *.gam mod!
It should have all ADaoB fixes itself.

Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool
This mod is amazing.


Simply amazing.
TF, I've been waiting to try this out.  Looks great, and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Does this mod work with mod manager? Every time I try to activate the game with mod manager it opens a screen wanting me to add more files.. and at the bottom of mod manager it says  "can't open activemod.dta"
I've corrected the install instructions a bit... try again now
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