SS2 Blaydes99 RttUNN

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Most likely, the movie codecs aren't properly registered. Be sure to re-register the ( or whatever it's called :) ) and make sure that you have DivX installed, since my movies use DivX. Some people can still watch the codecs outside of the game, but to watch them in-game you need to make sure and do both steps.

Since you went up to bridge, there is one more small part that you get to play after the movie. I'm glad you liked it.
LGVID.AX should get registered by the modmanager. So it's probably the divx codec.
  I used the DivX codec and even reinstalled them again but the problem persists.
I'll work on it..Playing Strangelhold right now<g>.
A few problems.

1) I have DivX installed as one of my media players, and I know I have all the latest codecs, but the movies won't play within the game.  They play just fine on the DivX player outside of the game, but whenever the FM tries to run one of the movies, it minimizes SS2 and tries to start the player, but nothing happens.

2) On the Impossible setting, I died immediately upon hitting the ground in the initial fall.  I know the fall was designed to injure you rather than kill you, but you only start with 10 HP on Impossible.  I was finally able to avoid fatal damage by holding the run forward key, but the first time I loaded up the mission, I didn't know I'd have to do this.  Do I necessarily have to play it on an easier setting just to avoid this issue?

3) I'm getting a weird bug with the wrench, which seems to be happening whenever I try to run a new fan mission using the Mod Manager.  When I try to equip it, the wrench doesn't appear in front of me wielded, but as a disembodied arm holding a wrench, which floats about 10 feet in front of my view.  I was able to remedy the problem when I played Ponterbee by reactivating ADaoB followed by all the weapon/model upgrade packs (including Arcaniac's) in sequence, but the same fix isn't working here.
Note: This glitch did not occur in Nightwalker, but it's happening again with Polaris, so I don't think it's related to this fan mission specifically.  :weird:

I'm most concerned with problem #3, as it renders fan missions unplayable at the moment.  Any help would be appreciated.

ETA: I found the solution, but I still don't know what causes the problem.  I ran the SS2 Tool again, including the patching utility, mod-ready, and bug fixes.  Then I reactivated all of my mods, including the fan mission, and this time it ran fine without the wrench bug.  I suspect this glitch is caused by the uninstallation of certain mods or missions, but it shouldn't be happening because I've been using the Mod Manager for every single mod or mission I have.
Logs and text do not correspond...and audio is inaudible...I can't go through the Aux. Storage 5 in Deck A...

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